This script stands on the giants of the GarminConnect PyPi as well as the InfluxDB PyPi.
This script has no usage, although in the future perhaps it will take username, password, server information and/or date ranges as script parameters. You will need to edit the following variables in the script:
start_date = date(2018,4,1)
end_date = date(2020,11,1)
garmin_username =
garmin_password =
influx_server =
influx_port =
influx_username =
influx_password =
influx_db =
You should not edit the date or time format variables in the script unless something stops working. Garmin provides at least 3 different date/time stamps in their data and this needs to be converted to the InfluxDB expected format.
I have made some opinionated choices about which type of data is valuable. There are significant portions of data from Garmin that are most likely not worth storing long term.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am using time delta in order to loop over various dates for bulk collection of data. The intent is to be able to run this once a week and pull down the updates to be stored in InfluxDB.
This should be considered ALPHA version. It is functional but will absolutely have bugs