Genetic algorithm with a giffler thompson algorithm to solve the well known JSSP / FJSSP
- How to use the tool:
Define your process with the excel sheet, use the template in the src folder
for reference there is also an example process with an assembly priority graph
For more information, how to write your process in the excel templete, see down below the point 3.
start the executable jar file "productionplanning-1.0-jar-with-dependencies" in the target folder
Press on the "Search" - Button and pick your created excel sheet
adjust the parameters of the genetic algorithm as you like or leave it at default
Press "Start"
- Some notes to the structure of the programm:
- i used a Genetic Algorithm
- Mutation: One-Bit-Mutation / Swap Mutation (for Allocation) and Mixed-Mutation / Swap-Mutation (for Sequence)
- Rekombination: N-Point_Recombination (Allocation) and Order-Recombination (Sequence)
- Selektion: Q-Tournament Selection and a Plus-Selection (Children and %Parents go to next Generation)
- Fitness: Productiontime based on ranks
- i used a list planning algorithm (Giffler-Thompson-Algorithm) to get only permitted schedules
- for reference: Bierwirth, Christian ; Mattfeld, Dirk C.: Production Scheduling and Rescheduling with Genetic Algorithms. In: Evolutionary Computation 7 (1999), Nr. 1, S. 1–17.
- Some notes to the excel sheet templete and the example (src/test/java/planningalgorithm)
- Because a picture says more than a thousand words, please see the ExplanationExcelSheet.png
- Jobs / Operations
- programm is made for j jobs (j>0) each with n operations (n>0), executed on m machines (m>1)
- only permissible jobs are allowed (Please see the "Example for Permissible Assambly Priority Graphes.png")
- every Operation needs a number, but they dont need to be sorted
- you can define multiple jobs, each with multiple operations, while the jobs dont have to be connected
- Predecessors:
- predecessors must be given for every operation (except of cource for the starting operations)
- assign a predecessor to an operation by entering the number of the predecessor in the predecessor column
- if an operaion has multiple predecessors, separate them with a ";"
- starting operations, so an operations that has no predecessor, get a "0" in the predecessor column
- Machines / Ressource
- every machine you want to use must be defined in the excel sheet in a machine column
- to define a machine, a processing time must be specified for each operation
- if a machine can't do an operation just put in a "0" in the ressource/machine column
- you can select how many machines you want to use in the GUI
- each operation must be able to be executed on at least one machine/resource