Written and maintained by Eric Mulvihill ([email protected])
It is an open source ECMAScript 5 + WebGL compatible PDB viewer. Just insert into your web page, point it to a PDB file and it will display it in glorious 3 dimensions.
written in Typescript 2.X and utilizes the wonderful three.js 3D support library written by MrDoob.
supports interactions such as:
- zooming/rotating
- Selecting atoms for identification
- Selecting multiple atoms for calculating distance, bond angle or torsion angle.
Licensed under Apache license which was chosen for friendliness to most personal and commercial applications. (giving back improvements is always appreciated though)
- A full organic PDB molecule viewer. No support for sheets, residues, substructures and all that other advanced chemistry stuff I don't even know anything about.
- Compatible with browsers that don't support WebGL (Internet Explorer and old versions of Safari & Firefox)
- A more-full featured viewer. More color modes, possibly supporting some protein structures, maybe PDB animations?
- A better tool for e-learning. I'd like to add support for querying the state of selections, for entering answers in web quizzes.
- Prerequisites: NPM 10.8.0 or greater
- Clone the Git project to a local directory
- Build and run as follows:
into project rootnpm install
npm run build
npm run start
- View at:
(change the port inpackage.json
's start script, if needed)
- Run unit tests using:
npm run test
- /spec - tests
- /src/src/main.ts - stub code to get a web page to display a molecule. Your application would replicate this stub code in some way.
- /src/src/molview - All WGLMolView source
- /src/three/OrbitControls - A more advanced mouse navigation for spinning the molecules
- /src/pdb - example PDB files
- /www - front end content to be displayed in browser
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://[email protected]/ericmulvihill/wglmolview.git
- Navigate:
cd wglmolview
- Install dependencies:
npm ci
- Development Mode:
npm run dev
- Building:
npm run build
- Starting:
npm run start