There are 3 types of task that you can add.
- ToDo
- Deadline
- Event
Gets a list of all current tasks.
Marks a task as done.
Unmarks a task as undone.
Deletes a task.
Find all tasks that contains the keyword
Saves all current tasks in a txt file and exits the program.
Upon starting Duke successfully, you should be greeted with this.
Example of usage:
todo borrow book
Expected outcome:
Format: "deadline [task description] /by [date in a yyyy/MM/d HHmm format]"
Example of usage:
deadline submit assignment /by 2023/06/23 1000
Expected outcome:
Format: "event [task description] /from [start] /to [end]"
Example of usage:
event attend wedding /from 6pm /to 10pm
Expected outcome:
Example of usage:
mark 1
Expected outcome:
Example of usage:
unmark 1
Expected outcome:
Example of usage:
Expected outcome:
Example of usage:
delete 1
Expected outcome:
Example of usage:
find wedding
Expected outcome:
Example of usage:
Expected outcome: