This is a SILEX based Rest API with module lazy load, it uses micro services and has authentication. It uses token authentication and is useful for Angularjs Applications, it also uses Yandex service to translate strings for internationalization.
This api can be used for exposing different web services, that means that every service can have its own workspace and database configuration, it is built in a modular fashion, where removing any part won't affect the whole functionality.
#Api Refecence https://secureaudit.co/api-docs
For multiple API interfaces, just create a new dir:
.htaccess file contents:
#Options -MultiViews
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]
index.php contents:
require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';
$app = App\Rest::run('prod2');
Create a prod2.php config file under ./config/
About the Lazy Load.
This rest API uses lazy loading for services, it has a Factory pattern implemented so all naming conventions must be kept for controllers and services.
Do the following to run:
composer install
php -S 0:8001 -t public1/
Run tests:
Point to:
HTTP Request Headers:
'Content-Type: application/json'
'x-token: your-auth-token'
License see LICENSE file.
Authentication method:
curl -i -H "x-requested-with: CLFYf7yz1it9x16FX1b5rlDNp3qkXJWB" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X-POST http://localhost:8001/api/v1/login -d '{
"login": { "email": "[email protected]", "pass": $apiPass //"04fbd445b467cf8679232accbcedf6192070d068"}
How to generate passwords
$appKey = 'CLFYf7yz1it9x16FX1b5rlDNp3qkXJWB';
$pass = sha1('User123!*?'); //43e1eeda52d762652c2846badea1dd6a2a761d81
$apiPass = sha1($appKey.$pass); //04fbd445b467cf8679232accbcedf6192070d068
Login Headers, company token:
'x-requested-with: CLFYf7yz1it9x16FX1b5rlDNp3qkXJWB'
'Content-Type: application/json'
I owe you unit tests, sorry, test writers are welcome!!, any questions just contact me.