In this file you can see my code. In this code a few things are happening:
- Getting information by user id
- Getting videos by playlist id
As you can see in the following code, you can add an id. This id is the user id from a channel from Youtube.
request = youtube.channels().list(
To get the user id from a youtube channel you can do the following:
- You can go to a Youtube channel, below you can see the Youtube URL:
- After channel you see UCtnUZGxN4m3zP1JhFXJlrsA in this case, this is the youtube id.
- If you want to use a personalized youtube id you can just replace the code with the new id
As you can see in the following code, you can add an id. This id is the playlist id from playlist from Youtube.
requestPlayList = youtube.playlistItems().list(
To get the playlist id from a youtube playlist you can do the following: