An OOT module for electrosense sensor node. This implementation allows any user to connect to electrosense network with proper credentials and GNURadio installation.
- GNURadio
- Apache Avro python bindings
- MQTT python bindings
mkdir build ; cd build
cmake ../
sudo make install
Download the latest RPI gpu fft module from here
Extract the archive, then copy and use gpufft_makefile from extras directory to make a shared library
make clean
make -f gpufft_makefile
sudo make install
Install gr-electrosense with GPU_FFT enabled
mkdir build ; cd build
sudo make install
- Discard samples
- Allows to discard samples from a continuous stream based on a variable change or tag
- Sensor sink
- Upstream connector block
- MQTT client & Variable updater
- Enables downstream variable control with optional authentication
- Scanning module (embedded in flowgraph)
- Supports sequential, random and similarity hopping patterns
- Makes use of RPI gpu_fft module instead of FFTW
Check examples folder for detailed flowgraphs
Setup mosquitto broker and perform a sample test locally
mosquitto &
Analyse the channel
mosquitto_sub -d -t electrosense
Run electrosense_mqtt_test.grc and try to change a variable
mosquitto_pub -t electrosense -m "rfgain,10"
- Detailed block output and speed testing
- Detailed data validation testing with the backend
- Embedded boards performance comparisons (RP1,2...)