Libertempo Fork de php_conges
Application web intéractive de gestion des congés du personnels d'un service.
** Libertempo se veut très paramètrable afin de fournir ou non diverses fonctionnalités aux utilisateurs. **
** Libertempo est multi-langues. **
Create a database for this application with a user who can access it and modify informations on it (grant access).
Copy and edits proprely this files : cfg/dconfig_CAS_new.php to cfg/config_CAS.php cfg/config_ldap_new.php to cfg/config_ldap.php define_new.php to define.php
Then copy your Libertempo directory to your Apache DocumentRoot Open a browser and go to http://[server address]/[Libertempo directory]/install
Default user : "admin" / password : "responsable" Default manager : "conges" / password : "conges"
Copy (and edit): dbconnect.php to cfg/dbconnect.php define_new.php to define.php
Go to your [Libertempo] URL, in /install subdirectory to migrate your application.
- About security
Do not forget to place .htaccess (deny from all) file into your install subdirectory !
CONFIGURE Change the template if you want in this file : Copy the original files in template/reboot directory to a new one and change the value in define.php.