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Programming For Kids

Ahmed Kamal edited this page Aug 25, 2019 · 6 revisions


  1. Scratch - A visual programming language and online community.
  2. Scratch Programming Playground - Tutorial by Al Sweigart.
  3. - Includes free coding lessons fro kids.
  4. Swift Playgrounds - App for iPad that makes learning Swift interactive and fun.
  5. KTByte - Java Tutorials.
  6. S2JS - Bridge between Scratch and JavaScript.
  7. Pencil Code - An editor that lets you work in either blocks or text.
  8. Processing - A flexible software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts.
  9. Snap - Build Your Own Blocks (like Scratch).
  10. jupyter4kids - A series of notebooks that help teach kids principles of programming, python and maths.
  11. App Inventor - Cloud-based tool, to build apps right in your web browser.
  12. Khan Academy - Learn the basics, starting with Intro to programming.
  13. Lego Mindstorms - A hardware-software platform produced for the development of programmable robots.
  14. Arduino - Single-board microcontrollers for building digital devices and interactive objects.
  15. Alice - An innovative block-based programming environment that makes it easy to create animations.
  16. Codecademy - Kids learn as they make apps and games, mod Minecraft, fly drones, learn Python, and so much more. Ages 7+.
  17. Tynker - Program in Ruby, Python, and JavaScript online.
  18. littleBits - Makes technology kits that are fun, easy-to-use, and infinitely creative.
  19. Code for Life - Fun, free and easy.
  20. Jeroo - Learn fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming.
  21. ScriptAcademy - 10 steps to learn how to make games using JavaScript.
  22. nostarch - Extensive range of books aimed at kids.
  23. Boy's Life - Has a bunch of online resources aimed at kids.
  24. BlueJ - Visual IDE.
  25. CodeCombat - Platform for students to learn computer science while playing through a real game.
  26. PrediGame - an instructional platform that teaches the basics of coding through the creation of arcade games.
  27. Wikipedia - List of educational programming languages for Children.
  28. LightBot - A puzzle game based on coding; it secretly teaches you programming logic as you play.
  29. SpriteBox - A full-blown adventure game that gets you coding.
  30. HelloCode - Hello Code teaches kids the concepts of coding through a fun unique programming language developed especially for them: SmoothY!

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