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This repository has been archived by the owner on Jan 21, 2025. It is now read-only.


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Fictitious demo environment to illustrate the possibilities of EdgeFarm with practical examples.

The environment has no ambition to build a train simulation as accurate as possible, but serves much more as a playground for small POC's or easily comprehensible demo's.

The demos cover data acquisition, pre-processing, data transport and transmission to external systems.


Building yourself

Note: this is tested with linux kernel >= 5.0.0 and is not guaranteed to work with a lower kernel version!


In order to build the demo docker images, you need to have docker installed on your system. You can modify the demos and build the docker image yourself using a tool called dobi. There is no need to download dobi by manually. The wrapper script will handle everything for you. To specify the location of the docker image, you can modify the variable DOCKER_REGISTRY in the file default.env.

Once you've changed you should run docker login <your-registry> to allow pushing to your registry. If you are using docker hub, login with docker login.


To see a list of all build targets, run


To build the docker images run

./ build-and-push-<application-name>

The build job registers qemu-user-static to run programs for foreign CPU architectures like arm64 or arm.

Once the build has finished, your docker images are located at the speficied docker registry.

Cleaning up

You can cleanup qemu-user-static using ./ uninstall-qemu-user-static.

To check if all qemu emulators have been removed successful, please run ./ check-qemu-user-static