一键预览 OpenCV 60 种图像效果
- 色度/色调
- 饱和度
- 纯度/亮度
- 固定饱和度s
- 固定亮度v
- 固定色度h + 固定饱和度s
- 固定色度h + 固定亮度v
- 固定饱和度s + 固定亮度v
- 形态学滤波器腐蚀和膨胀图像
- 腐蚀 3x3
- 膨胀 3x3 3次
- 腐蚀 7x7
- 腐蚀 3x3 3次
- 形态学滤波器开启和闭合图像
- Close the image
- Open the image
- 灰度图像中应用形态学运算 Gradient | Edge
- Apply threshold to obtain a binary image
- 7x7 Black Top-hat Image
- Apply threshold to obtain a binary image
- Apply the black top-hat transform using a 7x7 structuring element
- Blur the image with a mean filter
- Blur the image with a mean filter 9x9
- 缩减 采样
- resizing with NN
- resizing with bilinear
- 中值滤波
- 定向滤波器
- Compute Sobel X derivative
- Compute Sobel Y derivative
- Compute norm of Sobel
- Compute Sobel X derivative (7x7)
- Apply threshold to Sobel norm (low threshold value)
- Apply threshold to Sobel norm (high threshold value)
- down-sample and up-sample the image
- down-sample and up-sample the image
- cv2.subtract
- cv2.subtract gauss15 - gauss05
- cv2.subtract gauss22 - gauss20
- Canny Contours
- Canny Contours Gray
- Hough tranform for line detection
- Circles with HoughP
- Get the contours, Contours with RETR_LIST
- 简单白平衡
- 灰度世界算法
- 直方图均衡化
- 视网膜-大脑皮层(Retinex)增强算法
- Single Scale Retinex
- Multi Scale Retinex
- Multi Scale Retinex With Color Restoration
- 自动白平衡 AWB
- 自动色彩均衡 ACE
python 3.6+,pip 20+
pip install -r requirements.txt
Pillow==8.0.1 numpy==1.19.4 opencv-python== six==1.15.0 matplotlib==3.3.3 cycler==0.10.0 kiwisolver==1.3.1 pkg-resources==0.0.0 pyparsing==2.4.7 python-dateutil==2.8.1
$ git clone https://github.com/dyh/opencv_tools.git
$ cd opencv_tools
创建 python 虚拟环境
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
在 main.py 文件中,设置要处理的图片路径 file_path,例如
file_path = './images/000000050145.jpg'
python main.py
程序将在 output 目录下输出60张图片