Fisher matrix method to calculate constraint on dark matter parameters
ifort(intel fortran), icc(intel c++), python(numpy, matplotlib, scipy)
./camb/calc/ : all codes for calculation partial derivative(pd), and one error sigma(sig)
./camb/data/ : pd data calculated by and sigma data calculated by
./camb/input/ : noise level(nls) and foreground residual(fgres) for ali, pico, and planck
./camb/plot/ : plot all figures and save in figure folder
make Hyrec; make camb
run ./camb/calc/ to get all pd data in ./camb/data/pd_data/*CLprime.npy
run ./camb/calc/ to get all one sigma error in ./camb/data/sigma_data/sigma*.npy
run ./camb/plot/plot*.py to get different figures of what you want