An SMS interface for the Indianapolis Pacer Bikeshare program :D, deeply a work in progress
- Twilio AccountSID, Authentication Token, and Mobile Number (Capable of sending SMS)
- A Mobile phone capable of receiving SMS
- Node stuff (npm, node, etc. etc.)
- Go into tokens.json and populate the information. Note that phone numbers must be in format +10000000000, with 1 being your country code
- Go into settings.json.
- Fill which stations you would like to track (IDs can be found in stationMetaData.json, by default the ones I use are filled)
- Fill in the scheduled times you would like text messages sent (Cron format is "SS MM HH DoM MM DoW(0-6)")
- Leave DEBUG as False unless you are editing the project
npm install
in the directory you've cloned tonpm start
- Enjoy.
basic functionality (is it useful in my life?) - Add a basic config UI
- text to get tracked station updates
- text to get other station updates
- text to reconfig
- Add other GBFS cities?
- host publicly?