7.2.0 (2021-02-10)
Implemented enhancements:
- Add variable to specify SSH host RSA key size #394 (Normo)
- Set default for ssh host key files only when hardening the server #393 (Normo)
Fixed bugs:
- A reason why instance would go in rescue mode ? #267
- fix galaxy action to update local galaxy.yml #395 (Normo)
Closed issues:
- Updating version in galaxy.yml should be part of the release process #396
- ssh_hardening fail on keypair generation #388
- The system must display the date and time of the last successful account logon upon an SSH logon. #362
- Error in "root password is present" step #326
Merged pull requests:
- update ansible-lint to version 5 #397 (schurzi)
- fix minimum required ansible version in docs #390 (schurzi)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator