A collection of LESS Mixins that provides mixins, shortcuts and useful constants for developing websites and native applications.
There are not many libraries that focus on fonts, typography and native OS specific styles but this one does. I wrote and collated this data for use in projects far and wide.
There are 2 different ways to use this library...
1. Import the library into your main less file ```import url(b.less)```
2. Use the independent library files in the ```mixins/``` folder
Files included :
b.less - _compiled class containing all the mixins and constants_
colour.less - _colour mixins_
colour.native.less - _OS colour palette_
colour.palette.less - _Loads of colours with predefined names_
font.less - _Mixins and shorthands_
font.i18n.less - _Internationalised base fonts_
font.native.less - _Fonts currently used by the operating system_
font.stacks.less - _Fallback fonts and predefined stacks_
print.less - _A useful mixin for adding in print styles_
typography.less - _Mixins for typography_
utilities.less - _common layout and image mixins_
scripts used by package.json file to create the library
Build :
Credits :
- Chirag Mehta for his work creating the colour name list homepage
- Font Stacks inspired by AwayBack
- Denis Leblanc - denisleblanc.com
- Elyse Holladay
- Dave from cssfontstack.com
- Robert Penner for his great ease equations