A curated list of references for visualization techniques applied to epidemiology
- Spatiotemporal visualization for the global COVID-19 surveillance by balloon chart
- A Synergetic R-Shiny Portal for Modeling and Tracking of COVID-19 Data
- Data Visualization for the Understanding of COVID-19
- Statistical analysis and visualization of the potential cases of pandemic coronavirus
- Network Characteristics and Visualization of COVID-19 Outbreak in a Large Detention Facility in the United States - Cook County, Illinois, 2020
- Spatiotemporal analysis of medical resource deficiencies in the U.S. under COVID-19 pandemic
- Should we remain hopeful? The key 8 weeks: spatiotemporal epidemic characteristics of COVID-19 in Sichuan Province and its comparative analysis with other provinces in China and global epidemic trends
- Geographic risk assessment of COVID-19 transmission using recent data: An observational study
- Spatio-temporal data visualization for monitoring of control measures in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina
- CovidCounties is an interactive real time tracker of the COVID19 pandemic at the level of US counties
- Demographic and Comorbidities Data Description of Population in Mexico with SARS-CoV-2 Infected Patients(COVID19): An Online Tool Analysis
- COVID19-world: A shiny application to perform comprehensive country-specific data visualization for SARS-CoV-2 epidemic
- Analyzing the epidemiological outbreak of COVID-19: A visual exploratory data analysis approach
- Visualizing COVID-19 pandemic risk through network connectedness
- Spatial Visualization of Cluster-Specific COVID-19 Transmission Network in South Korea During the Early Epidemic Phase
- COVID19-Global: A shiny application to perform a global comparative data visualization for the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic
- COVID19-Tracker: A shiny app to produce comprehensive data visualization for SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Spain
- Network memory in the movement of hospital patients carrying drug-resistant bacteria
- Indoor location identification of patients for directing virtual care: an AI approach using machine learning and knowledge-based methods
- A rapidly deployed, interactive, online visualization system to support fatality management during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic
- Epidemic analysis of COVID-19 in Italy based on spatiotemporal geographic information and Google Trends
- Using informatics to guide public health policy during the COVID-19 pandemic in the USA
- A citizen science initiative for open data and visualization of COVID-19 outbreak in Kerala, India
- COVID-19 spatiotemporal research with workflow-based data analysis
- PEACOCK: A Map-Based Multitype Infectious Disease Outbreak Information System
- Spatial distribution of dengue in Honduras during 2016–2019 using a geographic information systems (GIS)–Dengue epidemic implications for public health and travel medicine
- epiflows: an R package for risk assessment of travel-related spread of disease
- Geographic transmission hubs of the 2009 influenza pandemic in the United States
- DOVE: An Infectious Disease Outbreak Statistics Visualization System
- Spatial-Temporal Visualization of Dengue Incidences Using Gaussian Kernel
- Epidemiology and geographic distribution of blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, and coccidioidomycosis, Ontario, Canada, 1990–2015
- An Eigenspace approach for detecting multiple space-time disease clusters: Application to measles hotspots detection in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
- Context Prediction in the Social Web Using Applied Machine Learning: A Study of Canadian Tweeters
- Heat map for data visualization in infection control epidemiology: An application describing the relationship between hospital-acquired infections, Simplified Acute Physiological Score II, and length of stay in adult intensive care units
- Flutrack.org: Open-source and linked data for epidemiology
- Online platform for applying space-time scan statistics for prospectively detecting emerging hot spots of dengue fever
- Visual analytics of geo-social interaction patterns for epidemic control
- ID-Viewer: a visual analytics architecture for infectious diseases surveillance and response management in Pakistan
- FoodChain-Lab: A Trace-Back and Trace-Forward Tool Developed and Applied during Food-Borne Disease Outbreak Investigations in Germany and Europe
- VoroGraph: Visualization tools for epidemic analysis
- Quilt plots: A simple tool for the visualisation of large epidemiological data
- ISS--an electronic syndromic surveillance system for infectious disease in rural China
- A new surveillance and spatio-temporal visualization tool SIMID: SIMulation of infectious diseases using random networks and GIS
- A geographic information system for the study of past epidemics: The 1705 epidemic in Martigues (Bouches-du-Rhône, France)
- Epinome: A Visual-Analytics Workbench for Epidemiology Data
- Epidemic analysis and visualization based on Digital Earth spatio-temporal framework
- Time-based Geographical Mapping of Communicable Diseases
- epSpread - Storyboarding for visual analytics
- A pandemic influenza modeling and visualization tool
- Three-dimensional visualization of cultural clusters in the 1878 yellow fever epidemic of New Orleans
- Online GIS services for mapping and sharing disease information
- Changing molecular epidemiology of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in a small geographic area over an eight-year period
- High incidence of central precocious puberty in a bounded geographic area of northwest Tuscany: An estrogen disrupter epidemic?
- Web-GIS based SARS epidemic situation visualization
- Geographic and temporal trends in influenzalike illness, Japan, 1992-1999
- Improving exposure assessment in environmental epidemiology: Application of spatio-temporal visualization tools
- Geographic epidemiology of gonorrhoea and chlamydia on a large military installation: Application of a GIS system
- Epidemiology of hepatitis C: Geographic differences and temporal trends
- Visualization of Spatial and Temporal Data with Dynamic Maps
- Using spatial and temporal modeling to visualize the effects of U.S. state issued stay at home orders on COVID-19 | Scientific Reports
- Spatiotemporal Analysis | Columbia Public Health
- Frontiers | An Introductory Framework for Choosing Spatiotemporal Analytical Tools in Population-Level Eco-Epidemiological Research | Veterinary Science
- Spatiotemporal visualization for the global COVID-19 surveillance by balloon chart | Infectious Diseases of Poverty | Full Text
- Spatiotemporal visualization for the global COVID-19 surveillance by balloon chart - PubMed
- Space Time Visualization for Epidemiological Research
- Spatio-temporal data visualization for monitoring of control measures in the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 in Bosnia and Herzegovina. | Med Glas (Zenica);17(2): 265-274, 2020 Aug 01. | MEDLINE
- An Interactive Web Based Spatio-Temporal Visualization System
- Improving exposure assessment in environmental epidemiology: Application of spatio-temporal visualization tools - NASA/ADS
- Spatio-temporal epidemiology: Principles and opportunities
- Spatial-temporal analysis and visualization of scarlet fever in mainland China from 2004 to 2017 | Geospatial Health
- Spatio-temporal epidemiology: principles and opportunities. | Semantic Scholar
- Improving exposure assessment in environmental epidemiology: Application of spatio-temporal visualization tools - ProQuest
- Guide for authors - Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology
- Visualizing Spatio-Temporal data - ScholarWorks@GSU
- Detecting spatio-temporal hotspots of scarlet fever in Taiwan with spatio-temporal Gi* statistic
- - Why spatio–temporal epidemiology? - Routledge
- A Shiny Web Application for the Analysis of Spatial and Spatio ...
- Exploratory Visualization of Temporal Events in ... - ITC
- Preface | Geospatial Health Data: Modeling and Visualization with R-INLA and Shiny
- A new surveillance and spatio-temporal visualization tool SIMID
- Spatio-Temporal Methods in Environmental Epidemiology
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Epidemic Phenomena ... - arXiv
- Visualizing Temporal Data - Visualizing Temporal Data | Coursera
- Spatio-temporal Epidemiology - Geosocial Analytics Lab
- Spatial-Temporal Visualization of Dengue Incidences Using Gaussian Kernel | IEEE Conference Publication | IEEE Xplore
- IJERPH | Special Issue : Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Infectious Diseases
- A Visual Analytics Approach to Understanding Spatiotemporal ...
- Spatial And Spatio Temporal Epidemiology
- The Problem of Time: Addressing challenges in spatio-temporal data integration
- Advances in spatiotemporal models for non-communicable ...
- On estimation the relative risk of small area and visualization spatio-temporal map | Knowledge Repository
- Spatiotemporal Reasoning about Epidemiological Data - UNL ...
- COVID19α: Interactive Spatio-Temporal Visualization of COVID-19 Symptoms through Tweet Analysis
- A spatiotemporal data collection of viral cases for COVID-19 rapid response
- Exploring Spatio-Temporal Data as Personal Routes
- A Survey of Visual Analytics for Public Health - Preim - 2020
- "Veronica Andreo: ""Spatiotemporal data processing and visualization in GRASS GIS"" - YouTube"
- Spatio-temporal patterns of Campylobacter colonization in ...
- Europe PMC
- A Spatio-Temporal Visualization and Clustering Analysis of ...
- Zintellect - Climb Higher
- Spatio-Temporal analysis of Movement Networks - GeoVET ...
- Assessment of an exploratory spatio-temporal data analysis ...
- Spatial & Temporal Analysis and Visualization – STeamer – LIG
- Spatial Temporal Data Visualization In Emergency Management
- Temporal GIS - GIS Wiki | The GIS Encyclopedia
- Model-based spatial-temporal mapping of opisthorchiasis in endemic countries of Southeast Asia | eLife
- Working with Temporal Data in ArcGIS
- Spatio-Temporal Statistics: A Primer - KDnuggets
- Temporo-spatial visualisation of disease outbreaks - Ausvet
- Spatio Temporal Methods In Environmental Epidemiology
- evl | MS Thesis Defense - SocioScape - Spatio-temporal Visual Analysis of Group Dynamics in Social Networks
- NCSU GeoForAll Lab (NCSU OSGeoREL)
- Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Epidemic ... - useR! 2015
- Eric Delmelle - Google Scholar
- Biostatistics: Spatial-temporal Models in Epidemiology | Statistical Society of Canada
- medRxiv (@medrxivpreprint) / Twitter
- Synesthesia - Wikipedia
- Exploratory spatio-temporal visualization: an analytical review
- Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Epidemiological Data
- Spatial And Spatio Temporal Epidemiology Ebook PDF Download
- What is Spatial Temporal? Definition and Related FAQs | OmniSci
- Remembering Hans Rosling, the visualization pioneer who ...
- Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology Journal Impact IF
- Handbook of Applied Spatial Analysis: Software Tools, ...
- EHealth - For Continuity of Care: Proceedings of MIE2014
- Geospatial Analysis of Public Health - Page xiv - Google Books Result
- Understanding Dynamics of Geographic Domains
- Geographic Health Data: Fundamental Techniques for Analysis
- Entropy Guided Visualization And Analysis Of Multivariate Spatio-Temporal Data Generated By Physically Based Simulation on Vimeo