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How to run (Windows)

  1. Download the latest release from here.
  2. Extract the file somewhere.
  3. In the dest folder, run CStrips-Downloader.exe.
  4. When asked, fill out your alphanumeric and NOT your numeric ID. For information on how to get your ID see the wiki.

The script should now be running and starting to scan through and download your comics.

How to find your alphanumeric user ID

If you have forgotten your user ID, there are a few useful methods you can try to find it. See the wiki for more information.

Building from source:

  1. Download and install Python (Standalone CLI app is planned).
  2. Download this repository.
  3. Replace USER in with yours or your friend's Bitstrips user ID. For example, the ID would be D53J.
  4. Open your command prompt or terminal (Type cmd into your Windows search bar).
  5. cd to the folder where you downloaded the script. E.g, cd C:\Users\Buddy\Desktop\CStrips Downloader.
  6. Type these two commands: py -m pip install progress and py -m pip install requests.
  7. To run the script type the following command: py

The script should now be running and starting to scan through and download your comics.


* There are 60466176 possible combinations to scan for so it will take a very long time to download your comics. I did the math for my router and it estimated at around 11.16 days to download all comics but that depends on your internet speed. Feel free to look for ways to make the script faster. If you have any issues regarding installing or running, please make an issue here that shows the error or problem you're having.

Enjoy your comics!