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This is a test suite for Demandware-based stores that demonstrates test automation for ecommerce using XLT, but also can act as a template for your own test automation effort. It is MIT licensed. You are welcome to contribute.


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The test suite focuses on functional frontend testing. It was build and may be run with XLT Script Developer in Firefox or the XLT Framework by orchestrating different WebDrivers. As test suites sometimes tend to become complex and hard to maintain we realized it is time to build a clearly structured test suite with a well-defined set of tests.

The project idea is to collect experiences, consolidate knowledge and share ideas of testing practises. Although this test suite is based on testing the storefront of the demo shop Demandware SiteGenesis the underlying concepts and the communicated know-how are valid for building test suites of other web applications as well. Everybody is invited to use it, learn from it, improve it and adapt it to their needs. Possible purposes include:

  • Test suite to automate new store based on Demandware SiteGenesis
  • Starting point for test development with fast learning curve
  • Demonstration of test automation and test suite structuring
  • Reuseable best practises in other (existing) projects

Test Suite Setup

The following prerequisites and installation steps are needed to run the test suite with XLT Script Developer in Firefox or the XLT Framework orchestrating different WebDrivers. For further help please refer to XLT Online.

XLT Script Developer


  • XLT® Script Developer 4.5.0 (or higher)
  • Firefox 31.0 (or higher)
  • A Demandware SiteGenesis v15.1 or higher reference shop installation


  • Download XLT Script Developer and install Firefox add-on.
  • Open Tools > XLT Script Developer in Firefox.
  • Download and unzip this test suite in a directory of your choice.
  • Import test suite by clicking the folder icon above the navigation panel.
  • Set the storefront_url of the shop system under test in XLT Script Developer > Manage Global Test Data.
  • Open a test case in the navigation panel and click the replay button in the toolbar.

XLT Framework for WebDriver-based Execution


  • XLT® Framework v4.5 (or higher)
  • JDK 7 or higher
  • Java IDE (e.g. Eclipse, IDEA, NetBeans)


  • Download the XLT Framework and unzip it into a directory of your choice.
  • Import test suite as new Java project.
  • Import XLT libraries.
  • Run test as JUnit test (default configuration: Firefox WebDriver).
  • Adapt WebDriver configurations in if needed.

Test Suite Structure

This section gives a small introduction to the test suite structure. Please visit the generated ScriptDoc for extended information on test data, packages, test cases and modules. The provided Guide delivers conventions for test suite namings, instructions for test suite development, examples of test suite commands and links to additional resources. All planned features are publicly tracked as GitHub issues. Feel free to add feature requests!


We have already build a foundation of over 200 modules structured in over 30 packages. Our test set consists of over 20 tests based on empirical knowledge from our daily business projects. The aim is to cover standard functions of the shop system. This means all tests have to cover a wide variety of different test pathes. The modules can be used as building bricks to enlarge the current test set quickly.

|-- config                             # XLT framework configuration
|-- scripts
|   |-- modules/global                 # scripts for global elements
|   |   |-- headerfooternav            # scripts for header, footer, nav elements
|   |   \-- minicart                   # scripts for minicart elements in header
|   |-- modules/helper                 # scripts for auxiliary services
|   |-- modules/pages                  # scripts for specific pages
|   |   |-- account                    # scripts for account pages
|   |   |-- cart                       # scripts for cart page
|   |   |-- catalog                    # scripts for catalog pages
|   |   |-- checkout                   # scripts for checkout pages
|   |   |-- homepage                   # scripts for homepage
|   |   |-- productdetailpage          # scripts for productdetailpages
|   |   \-- search                     # scripts for search and search result pages
|   \-- tests
|       |-- account                    # tests for account area
|       |-- cart                       # tests for cart area
|       |-- catalog                    # tests for catalog area
|       |-- checkout                   # tests for checkout area
|       |-- homepage                   # tests for homepage area
|       |-- minicart                   # tests for minicart area
|       \-- search                     # tests for search area
|-- src
|   \-- tests                          # XLT java wrapper classes
|--                   # XLT ant build properties
|-- build.xml                          # XLT ant build configuration
|--     # XLT Script Developer settings
\--         # global testdata properties


Packages form the main structure of the test suite (project tree). Each package may consist of other subpackages (layers) and contains test cases (named tests.subpackage), script modules (named modules.subpackage) or optional Java modules. The file system implements them as folders.


A Test Case or short Test (named T...) simulates a shop visit of a customer. A test focuses on a specific process part of the shop visit which is tested in depth. This test focus is assigned to a determined shop area. Every shop area has its own package (folder) so that each test can be filed. A test is build up on script modules. Each test consists of test setup (ensuring preconditions), test scope (focusing on relevant test steps) and test teardown (cleaning up of browser data).


A Script Module or short Module (named M...), contains actions, commands and comments. Most modules interact with elements of a specifc webpage. Thus it makes sense to structured them by their according pages. Each module can be reused by different tests.

Validation Modules (named V...): Validation of webpage elements and dynamic data is a very essential part of testing. Hence these special modules evalute that a needed fit criterion is met (mostly via assertions).

Flow Modules (named F...): Some modules mimic more sophisticated shopping behaviours by interacting with several pages in a flow. The achieved specific goal at the end of the process is of most importance (in contrast to the taken singular steps). Flows often reuse other modules and allow a compact test structure. Examples: Add a basic product to cart; Create a new customer; Add an address to a customer; Check order status in order history.

There are also several global modules for interactions with elements in header, footer or nav (placed in and some helper modules for converting text, generating random values and other auxiliaries (placed in modules.helper).

Test Data

Test Data or short Data can be placed on global, package, module or test layer. Test data defined at a lower layer overwrites test data defined at a higher level (antihierarchical handling).

Test Suite Metadata

  • Name: SiteGenesis-Community-TestSuite
  • Version: v15.1.7 (matching SiteGenesis)
  • Release: February 2015
  • License: MIT License
  • License URI:
  • Tags: xlt, testing, best practises, test automation, funtional testing, regression test, selenium

Test Suite Contributors

  • Various people at Xceptance Software Technologies GmbH


This is a test suite for Demandware-based stores that demonstrates test automation for ecommerce using XLT, but also can act as a template for your own test automation effort. It is MIT licensed. You are welcome to contribute.







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