To be able to run the demo, you are going to need a system with Miniconda (a minimal version of Anaconda) and several Python packages installed, or use the resources used for the other CoDaS tutorials at
Create a new private JupyterLab with this repo, and select the 'Python [conda env:codas-hep]' environment.
For the Miniconda route, follow these instructions:
Go to the following website: download and install the latest Miniconda version for Python 3.7 for your operating system.
wget <http:// link to miniconda>
sh <miniconda .sh>
After that, type:
conda --help
and read the manual.
Once Miniconda is ready, checkout the course repository and and proceed with setting up the environment:
git clone
Change into the course folder, then type:
cd RandomDemo
conda env create -f conda-envt.yml
source activate codas-random
Finally, start the jupyter notebook, if working on laptop do:
jupyter notebook