This uses the new Android Studio CMake plugin with C++ support. For how to use Android Studio, refer to Android Studio CMake
- Android Studio with NDK bundle.
You can skip 1 - 4 steps by cloning only dali-view-android and dali-view-example repos in dali folder and running dali-view-android/ to clone and build everything for you automatically!
- Download Android Studio.
- Choose Linux (64-bit) version of on Linux.
- Extract Studio in path/to/studio.
- Run: path/to/studio/android-studio/bin/
- Install SDK in path/to/sdk.
- Choose standard installation, leave default components checked, download.
- Install the Android NDK:
- In the Android studio window, go to Configure -> SDK Manager, check Android SDK Location: path/to/sdk. You will use this for the ANDROID_SDK environment variable later on.
- Download Android NDK following instructions in the Download the NDK and Tools section only.
- Once installed, note the NDK path for the environment variable later on. path/to/ndk is the folder containing ndk-build. Usually, it is path/to/sdk/ndk-bundle.
- Create a folder called dali and then change to that folder. Currently, it is important that you call it dali.
- Clone the following repos in this folder from
- dali-core, checkout branch devel/master.
- dali-adaptor, checkout branch devel/master.
- dali-toolkit, checkout branch devel/master.
- android-dependencies, checkout branch master.
- dali-view-android, checkout branch master.
- dali-view-example, checkout branch master.
- Optional. Update dali-view-example/
sdk.dir=path/to/sdk ndk.dir=path/to/ndk
- If you have a proxy update dali-view-example/
#http proxy setup systemProp.http.proxyHost=<proxy host> systemProp.http.proxyPort=<proxy port> #https proxy setup systemProp.https.proxyHost=<proxy host> systemProp.https.proxyPort=<proxy port>
- Launch the studio after setting the enviroment variables: path/to/studio/android-studio/bin/
- Import project from dali/dali-view-example folder using AndroidStudio.
- Select File -> New -> New Module -> Import .JAR/.ARR Package and choose dali-view-android/daliview/build/outputs/aar/daliview-release.aar. It will add daliview library to your project. Right click on app in Project view and choose Open Module Settings. Select your application module (app) and choose Dependencies. Select and add daliview module.
- Choose Make Project. Should build the application.