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cyberboy666 edited this page Feb 19, 2023 · 1 revision

this is a guide to help you to test if your transcribe is working correctly, and if not then narrow down where the problem could be.


when i finish assembling a transcribe circuit these are the tests i run on it to confirm it is working correctly. im running popos - an ubuntu based linux distribution on my computer so some of the software might be different to you depending on your os.

testing rs232 serial output + midi from a usb-host

  • plug in a usb-serial-to-rs232-converter - i use one like this - between transcribe serial output and my computer
  • ensure the jumper pins on transcribe are set to right position (nearest to naming silkscreen) - the pin format which this adapter uses
  • plug a usb cable between the pro-micro on transcribe and my computer
  • in a terminal listen to serial on usb bus with stty -F /dev/ttyUSB0 9600 raw - to set baud rate - and then sudo jpnevulator --ascii --tty /dev/ttyUSB0 --read - to print in ascii the incoming serial messages. (this assumes device connects to ttyUSB0 can try ls /dev/ttyUSB* to see all devices)
  • in another terminal send midi from computer to the pro-micro by typing amidi -l first - to get the midi port - and then amidi -p hw:1,0,0 -S 'B0 00 01' - to send value 1 on cc0 (assuming midi port 1)
  • if it is set up correctly this should result in serial message received in other terminal

testing midi from din5

  • plug in usb-to-serial-midi-converter between transcribe midi input and my computer
  • same as above listen to serial input with sudo jpnevulator --ascii --tty /dev/ttyUSB0 --read
  • same as above send midi with amidi -landamidi -p hw:2,0,0 -S 'B0 00 01'` - assuming the port for midi converter is 2
  • same as above see serial coming in on other terminal

testing midi from usb-device

  • same as above listen to the rs232 serial output from transcribe with usb converter
  • plug in a midi-device - i use nanokontrol or c_l_i_k_r circuit...
  • pressing inputs on device should result in serial being read on the terminal

testing midi output

its not used by default transcribe but the hardware can also output midi over din5...

for this i need to upload different code to the pro-micro:

  • open up transcribe/software in vsc
  • comment out all of the main.cpp file (ctrl+a ctrl+/)
  • open up and uncomment out all of the midi-converter.cpp file (ctrl+a ctrl+/)
  • upload this code to arduino

now we test by:

  • connecting din5midi-out on transcribe to the din5-midi-in on usb-adapter and listening to that midi port with aseqdump -l and then aseqdump -p 24:0
  • sending midi over usb same as before (amidi -l amidi -p hw:1,0,0 -S 'B0 00 01')
  • should see that same midi command coming back in on other terminal


this tests everything except the connections on 3.5mm serial outputs... would just need to make a custom converter cable for this to test it on computer... or could plug it into an ave55 (which it was added for) and see that it works to control with serial