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curufinwe edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 7 revisions

Gfx ID are 16-Bit Integers, of which the upper 8-bit are flags, of which only one should be set:
The flags in LSB to MSB order are:
0: Asteroids
1: Orbs
2: UFO’s
3: Powerups
4-7: Reserved for future use
8: Others

For Asteroids the Lower Gfx-ID’s are:
0: Smallest Asteroid
1: Medium Asteroid
2: Large Asteroid

For Orbs the lower Gfx-ID’s are:
0: normal orb
1: fast orb

For UFO’s the lower Gfx-ID’s are:
0: Player UFO
1: Friendly UFO
2: Hostile UFO

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