This is the submission of the first project of the Udacity "Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree" course.
The goals / steps of this project are the following:
- Make a pipeline that finds lane lines on the road
- Reflect on your work in a written report
- this file
- write up exposing the main characteristics and results of the pipeline
- P1.ipynb: Jupyter Notebook implementing and explaining the required functionalities
- test_images/*.jpg: input test images
- test_images/debug-*.jpg: output test images with annotated segmented (blue left, green right) and non segmented lines (red)
- test_images/*.jpg: output test images with annotate non segmented lines (red)
- test_videos/*.mp4: input test videos
- test_videos_output/*.mp4: output test videos with annotate non segmented lines (red)
- Prerequisites: CarND-Term1-Starter-Kit
- Run: just open P1.ipynb and execute cells