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Official Coralogix SDK for iOS.

The Coralogix RUM Mobile SDK is library (Swift package) for iOS

The SDK provides mobile Telemetry instrumentation that captures:

  1. HTTP requests, using URLSession instrumentation
  2. Unhandled exceptions (NSException, NSError, Error)
  3. Custom Log ()
  4. Crashes - using PLCrashReporter
  5. Page navigation (Swift use swizzeling / SwiftUI use modifier)
  6. User Actions (Clicks - UI elemenets)
  7. Mobile Vitals (FPS, Application not responding, Cold Start, Warm Start)


Coralogix RUM agent for iOS supports iOS 13 and higher.


The integration requires minimal effort with a few lines of code. To install this package,

import [email protected]:coralogix/cx-ios-sdk in spm.

Remember to call this as early in your application life cycle as possible. Ideally in applicationDidFinishLaunching in AppDelegate

import UIKit
import Coralogix



class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

var coralogixRum: CoralogixRum?

func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    let domain = CoralogixDomain.US2
    let options = CoralogixExporterOptions(coralogixDomain: CORALOGIX-DOMAIN,
                                           environment: "ENVIRONMENT",
                                           application: "APP-NAME",
                                           version: "APP-VERSION",
                                           publicKey: "API-KEY")
    self.coralogixRum = CoralogixRum(options: options)
    return true

Or if you are using swiftUI

import SwiftUI
import Coralogix


struct DemoAppApp: App {
    @State private var coralogixRum: CoralogixRum
    init() {
        let domain = CoralogixDomain.US2
        let options = CoralogixExporterOptions(coralogixDomain: CORALOGIX-DOMAIN,
                                           environment: "ENVIRONMENT",
                                           application: "APP-NAME",
                                           version: "APP-VERSION",
                                           publicKey: "API-KEY")
        self.coralogixRum = CoralogixRum(options: options)
    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {
            ContentView(coralogixRum: $coralogixRum)


Turn on/off specific instrumentation, default to all trues. Each instrumentation is responsible for which data the SDK will track and collect for you.

 let options = CoralogixExporterOptions(coralogixDomain: CORALOGIX-DOMAIN,
                                           environment: "ENVIRONMENT",
                                           application: "APP-NAME",
                                           version: "APP-VERSION",
                                           publicKey: "API-KEY",
                                           instrumentations: [.navigation: true,
                                                              .mobileVitals: false,
                                                              .custom: true,
                                                              .errors: true,
                                                              .userActions: false,
                                                              .network: true,
                                                              .anr: true,
                                                              .lifeCycle: false])

Ignore Errors

The ignoreErrors option allows you to exclude errors that meet specific criteria. This options accepts a set of strings and regular expressions to match against the event's error message. Use regular expressions for exact matching as strings remove partial matches.

 let options = CoralogixExporterOptions(coralogixDomain: CORALOGIX-DOMAIN,
                                        environment: "ENVIRONMENT",
                                        application: "APP-NAME",
                                        version: "APP-VERSION",
                                        publicKey: "API-KEY",
                                        ignoreErrors: []) //[".*errorcode=.*", "Im cusom Error"]

Ignore Urls

The ignoreUrls option allows you to exclude network requests that meet specific criteria. This options accepts a set of strings and regular expressions to match against the event's network url. Use regular expressions for exact matching as strings remove partial matches.

let options = CoralogixExporterOptions(coralogixDomain: CORALOGIX-DOMAIN,
                                        environment: "ENVIRONMENT",
                                        application: "APP-NAME",
                                        version: "APP-VERSION",
                                        publicKey: "API-KEY",
                                        ignoreUrls: []) //[".*\\.il$",""])

Label Providers

Provide labels based on url or event

let options = CoralogixExporterOptions(coralogixDomain: CORALOGIX-DOMAIN,
                                        environment: "ENVIRONMENT",
                                        application: "APP-NAME",
                                        version: "APP-VERSION",
                                        publicKey: "API-KEY",
                                        labels: ["item" : "item_number_5", "itemPrice" : 1000]) 


Determines whether the SDK should collect the user's IP address and corresponding geolocation data. Defaults to true.

let options = CoralogixExporterOptions(coralogixDomain: CORALOGIX-DOMAIN,
                                        environment: "ENVIRONMENT",
                                        application: "APP-NAME",
                                        version: "APP-VERSION",
                                        publicKey: "API-KEY",
                                        collectIPData: true)

Sample Rate

Number between 0-100 as a precentage of SDK should be init.

let options = CoralogixExporterOptions(coralogixDomain: CORALOGIX-DOMAIN,
                                        environment: "ENVIRONMENT",
                                        application: "APP-NAME",
                                        version: "APP-VERSION",
                                        publicKey: "API-KEY",
                                        sampleRate: 100)

Mobile Vitals FPS Sample Rate

The timeinterval the SDK will run the FPS sampling in an hour. default is every 1 minute.

let options = CoralogixExporterOptions(coralogixDomain: CORALOGIX-DOMAIN,
                                        environment: "ENVIRONMENT",
                                        application: "APP-NAME",
                                        version: "APP-VERSION",
                                        publicKey: "API-KEY",
                                        mobileVitalsFPSSamplingRate: 60)

Before Send

Enable event access and modification before sending to Coralogix, supporting content modification.

let options = CoralogixExporterOptions(coralogixDomain: CORALOGIX-DOMAIN,
                                        environment: "ENVIRONMENT",
                                        application: "APP-NAME",
                                        version: "APP-VERSION",
                                        publicKey: "API-KEY",
                                        beforeSend: { cxRum in
            var editableCxRum = cxRum
            if var sessionContext = editableCxRum["session_context"] as? [String: Any] {
                sessionContext["user_email"] = "[email protected]"
                editableCxRum["session_context"] = sessionContext
            return editableCxRum

, and event discarding

let options = CoralogixExporterOptions(coralogixDomain: CORALOGIX-DOMAIN,
                                        environment: "ENVIRONMENT",
                                        application: "APP-NAME",
                                        version: "APP-VERSION",
                                        publicKey: "API-KEY",
                                        beforeSend: { cxRum in
            var editableCxRum = cxRum
            if var viewContext = editableCxRum["view_context"] as? [String: Any], 
                      let view = viewContext["view"] {
                if view == "DetailsViewController" {
                    return nil


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.