**1) Merge pull request #28 from contentstack/master Merge pull request #25 from contentstack/staging** cs-raj (SHA: b334db5d105c56cd52c808606f76f31a29a8eb99) **1) Merge pull request #29 from contentstack/staging Staging** cs-raj (SHA: 8aed9bf101ae3a553677b59511c5a16fa557dd30) **1) sanitized the required inputs and updated cconfig to run test cases** harshithad0703 (SHA: 0fdfb52a3244230b72b9b12ef9e95b0daa69059e) **1) removed prettify.js which was causing semgrep issue and included as javascript link in the script tag** harshithad0703 (SHA: 6555f044b81e4ef227a09b14851cd0b548bd9003) **1) deprecation of keepalive option** harshithad0703 (SHA: 82214fbab8f0247caedd775326481595865fa63a) **1) Merge pull request #31 from contentstack/fix/dx-1461-test-cases-sre-issue dx | 1636 | sre and test cases** harshithad0703 (SHA: 1e5d6651ccb26e20bfcaff58532bedac6aa10bff) **1) added missing snippets** harshithad0703 (SHA: 998811ecf7666c55ecd9c6019d38d8c015b66eb1) **1) Merge pull request #33 from contentstack/fix/dx-1691-add-the-removed-snippet dx| 1691| add removed code** harshithad0703 (SHA: a93d9b47578ecd43dd3453837ca21e74fde6f6e9) **1) fix: Version bump** cs-raj (SHA: 0002f7eda2564a574bf78d6037bb39e3a34dd6ff) **1) Merge pull request #36 from contentstack/fix/release fix: Version bump** cs-raj (SHA: eca9ec9b643a6ad495d84b7f9d643ce99ac06623) **1) Merge pull request #37 from contentstack/development DX | 18-12-2024 | Hotfix** cs-raj (SHA: 4bce209cb817a109dddead89b21dcc043c881154) **1) Merge pull request #38 from contentstack/staging DX | 18-12-2024 | Hotfix** cs-raj (SHA: f172c041203c18ffc06eea32eb1b593882c300a0)