C++ implementation of hamming distance algorithm HmSearch using Kyoto Cabinet.
The algorithm is described in the paper "HmSearch: An Efficient Hamming Distance Query Processing Algorithm" by Xiaoyang Zhang, Jianbin Qin, Wei Wang, Yifang Sun and Jiaheng Lu.
Ensure that Kyoto Cabinet is installed. On Ubuntu:
apt-get install libkyotocabinet-dev kyotocabinet-utils
Then there should be a configure script, but for now just hit make
See the documentation in hmsearch.h
Create a new database, providing hash size in bits, the max error (hamming distance), and the expected number of hashes in the database. E.g.:
./hm_initdb hashes.kch 256 10 100000000
Add hashes with hm_insert
, either providing them on the command line
or on stdin:
./hm_insert hashes.kch 6E6FB315FA8C43FE9C2687D5BE14575ABB7252104236747D571B97E003563DF0
./hm_insert hashes.kch < list-of-hashes
Lookup hashes with hm_insert
, again providing a list of hashes on
the command line or on stdin:
./hm_lookup hashes.kch 6F6FB315FA8C43FE9C2687D5BE14575ABB7252104236747D571B97E003563DF0
./hm_lookup hashes.kch < list-of-query-hashes
It will output all found hashes together with the hamming distance.
outputs the internal structure of the database, and is only
useful for debugging. kchashmgr inform -st
can be used to get
further information about the underlying database.
To help testing and tuning, there are a few Python tools:
./gen_hashes.py HASH_SIZE NUM_HASHES | ./hm_insert hashes.kch
./select.py NUM_LINES < list-of-hashes | ./hm_lookup hashes.kch
./select.py NUM_LINES < list-of-hashes | ./flip.py BITS_TO_FLIP | ./hm_lookup hashes.kch
The code only supports a binary value space (i.e. 0 and 1), not the larger spaces of full HmSearch.
Hashes must be an even number of bytes.
This code will degrade once the probability of several hashes sharing the same partition value goes above perhaps 0.1. To handle that case, the HmSearch::init() need to be extended to tune the database to align records so that each append of a hash doesn't always require moving the whole record.
There's also other changes that can be done to optimise this, but the code works pretty well at least for 25M 256-bit hashes on a regular laptop with SSD.
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