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jochenwierum edited this page Jul 9, 2012 · 1 revision

Parsing dates

Parsing Dates in Fit is not easy. Fit processing the string s using DateFormat.getDateInstance().parse(s). This has several drawbacks: first of all, the test file must be localized. That means that a English date would not necessarily work on German systems. Secondly, the format can not be specified. Third: Fit cannot handle times.

FitGoodies brings its own TypeAdapter for handling dates. This adapter can be set up using Fixtures, so the behavior is much more dynamic. Here is an example:
locale de_DE
format dd.MM.yyyy hh:mm:ss

Now, every time FitGoodies needs a Date, it gets it using the following Code: new SimpleDateFormat("MM.dd.yyyy hh:mm:ss", new Locale("de", "DE")).parse(string).

You can also change the behavior for individual columns (see Parameters for more information):

date1 date2[en_US, MM/dd/yyyy]
24.12.2009 22:00 12/24/2009
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