Interface with Email VCS via Chat Client Commands
Node >= v8.10.0
Copy .env.default
to .env
and set your config variables for use during testing.
$ npm install
Create ZIP files, one for Slash Command handling and one for Processing
- Clone repo locally
- Run "npm install" from the command line of the project dir root
- Run the following commands:
$ zip -r process.js node_modules integrations wkhtmltopdf
$ zip -r handler.js node_modules integrations
Create new AWS API Gateway
- Create a "New API"
- Enter the name of your API
- Create API
Create a [](new AWS Lambda function) for your slash command handler.
- Choose Author From Scratch
- Enter the name of your function
- Choose Node >= v8.x Runtime
- Choose an Existing IAM Role or create a New Role from the "Basic Edge Lambda permissions"
- Save the Lambda
Create another [](new AWS Lambda function) for your process function.
- Choose Author From Scratch
- Enter the name of your function
- Choose Node >= v8.x Runtime
- Choose an Existing IAM Role or create a New Role from the "Basic Edge Lambda permissions"
- Save the Lambda
Finish API Gateway setup
- Select Actions -> Create Method -> POST
- Select Lambda Function
- Select Use Lambda Proxy integration
- Enter Lambda Function name of your slash command handler function
- Save
- Approve Permission
- Select Resouces -> Actions -> Deploy API
- Select a stage or create a new stage
- Save
- Copy the Invoke URL for later use
Setup the Lambda trigger for your slash command handler
- Click your Lambda function name for your command handler function
- Add API Gateway as a new trigger
- Select the newly created API Gateway from the list
- Select Deployment Stage
- Set Security as Open (we'll verify the token before processing) or select your preferred security mechanism
- Add
- Setup your Slash Command (instructions for Slack)
Open Slack -> Team Name -> Administration -> Manage Apps -> Custom Integrations -> Slash Commands
Click Add Configuration
Enter a name for you command
Click Add Slash Command Integration
Enter the URL of your API Gateway Invoke URL from Step 4
Select a Method of POST
Copy the token value, you'll use this on steps 8 and 9 for your Lambda CHAT_COMMAND_TOKEN env variables
Customize the name and icon if you'd like to
Click Save Integration
- Setup your Bot (instructions for slack)
Open Slack -> Team Name -> Administration -> Manage Apps -> Custom Integrations -> Bots
Click Add Configuration
Enter a username for your bot (this can be the same name as your slash command)
Click Add Bot Integration
Copy the API Token value, you'll use this on steps 8 and 9 for your Lambda CHAT_ACCESS_TOKEN env variables
Customize the name, icon, and permissions if you'd like to
Click Save Integration
Setup the Lambda function for your slash command handler
- Click your function name for your slash command handler function
- Select Upload a .ZIP File
- Select to upload the file created in step 1
- Select a Runtime of Node >= 8.10
- Enter Handler as "handler.handler"
- Set configuration variables (quotes are not needed in AWS fields):
- DEBUG = true
- INTEGRATION = 'slack'
- GITHUB_TEMPLATE_REPO = 'email-vcs-templates'
- GITHUB_OWNER = 'coalharbourgroup'
- GITHUB_API_TOKEN = 'yourGithubApiToken'
- CHAT_COMMAND_TOKEN = 'slashCommandToken'
- CHAT_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'botAccessToken'
- PROCESS_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'uniqueSecretForVerification'
- PROCESS_LAMBDA_NAME = 'processLambdaFunctionName'
- Increase the timeout to 1 min, 0 sec
- Click Save
Repeat the same steps as above to setup the Lambda function for your process function
- Click your function name for your process function
- Select Upload a .ZIP File
- Select to upload the file created in step 1
- Select a Runtime of Node >= 8.10
- Enter Handler as "process.handler"
- Set configuration variables (quotes are not needed in AWS fields):
- DEBUG = true
- INTEGRATION = 'slack'
- GITHUB_TEMPLATE_REPO = 'email-vcs-templates'
- GITHUB_OWNER = 'coalharbourgroup'
- GITHUB_API_TOKEN = 'yourGithubApiToken'
- CHAT_COMMAND_TOKEN = 'slashCommandToken'
- CHAT_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'botAccessToken'
- PROCESS_ACCESS_TOKEN = 'uniqueSecretForVerification'
- PROCESS_LAMBDA_NAME = 'processLambdaFunctionName'
- Increase the timeout to 5 min, 0 sec
- Click Save
Update the IAM role used for these Lambda functions to attach the "AWSLambdaFullAccess" policy
- Select the Role that your Handler Lambda function is using
- Click Attach Policy
- Search for "AWSLambdaFullAccess"
- Click Attach Policy (this allows your handler to invoke your process function)
- Done
If you'd like to integrate with a chat client other than Slack do the following:
Create a new directory at ./integrations/yourIntegrationsName/
Port ./integration/slack/handler.js to support your chat client's command format
Port ./integration/slack/uploader.js to support uploading to your chat clients
Update INTEGRATION in your env variables to the name of your new chat module
If you integrate with additional chat clients we'd greatly appreciate you submitting a PR.