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feat(tacticalbreachwizards): Add mod
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MohannedElfatih authored and clshortfuse committed Jan 11, 2025
1 parent 6e3089d commit 6c9e956
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Showing 10 changed files with 1,161 additions and 0 deletions.
252 changes: 252 additions & 0 deletions src/games/tacticalbreachwizards/DICE.hlsl
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@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
#include "./shared.h"

static const float HDR10_MaxWhiteNits = 10000.0f;
static const float FLT_MAX = asfloat(0x7F7FFFFF); // 3.402823466e+38f

float max3(float a, float b, float c) {
return max(a, max(b, c));

float max3(float3 v) {
return max3(v.x, v.y, v.z);

static const float PQ_constant_M1 = 0.1593017578125f;
static const float PQ_constant_M2 = 78.84375f;
static const float PQ_constant_C1 = 0.8359375f;
static const float PQ_constant_C2 = 18.8515625f;
static const float PQ_constant_C3 = 18.6875f;

// PQ (Perceptual Quantizer - ST.2084) encode/decode used for HDR10 BT.2100.
// Clamp type:
// 0 None
// 1 Remove negative numbers
// 2 Remove numbers beyond 0-1
// 3 Mirror negative numbers
float3 Linear_to_PQ(float3 LinearColor, int clampType = 0) {
float3 LinearColorSign = sign(LinearColor);
if (clampType == 1) {
LinearColor = max(LinearColor, 0.f);
} else if (clampType == 2) {
LinearColor = saturate(LinearColor);
} else if (clampType == 3) {
LinearColor = abs(LinearColor);
float3 colorPow = pow(LinearColor, PQ_constant_M1);
float3 numerator = PQ_constant_C1 + PQ_constant_C2 * colorPow;
float3 denominator = 1.f + PQ_constant_C3 * colorPow;
float3 pq = pow(numerator / denominator, PQ_constant_M2);
if (clampType == 3) {
return pq * LinearColorSign;
return pq;

float3 PQ_to_Linear(float3 ST2084Color, int clampType = 0) {
float3 ST2084ColorSign = sign(ST2084Color);
if (clampType == 1) {
ST2084Color = max(ST2084Color, 0.f);
} else if (clampType == 2) {
ST2084Color = saturate(ST2084Color);
} else if (clampType == 3) {
ST2084Color = abs(ST2084Color);
float3 colorPow = pow(ST2084Color, 1.f / PQ_constant_M2);
float3 numerator = max(colorPow - PQ_constant_C1, 0.f);
float3 denominator = PQ_constant_C2 - (PQ_constant_C3 * colorPow);
float3 linearColor = pow(numerator / denominator, 1.f / PQ_constant_M1);
if (clampType == 3) {
return linearColor * ST2084ColorSign;
return linearColor;

// Applies exponential ("Photographic") luminance/luma compression.
// The pow can modulate the curve without changing the values around the edges.
// The max is the max possible range to compress from, to not lose any output
// range if the input range was limited.
float rangeCompress(float X, float Max = asfloat(0x7F7FFFFF)) {
// Branches are for static parameters optimizations
if (Max == FLT_MAX) {
// This does e^X. We expect X to be between 0 and 1.
return 1.f - exp(-X);
const float lostRange = exp(-Max);
const float restoreRangeScale = 1.f / (1.f - lostRange);
return (1.f - exp(-X)) * restoreRangeScale;

// Refurbished DICE HDR tonemapper (per channel or luminance).
// Expects "InValue" to be >= "ShoulderStart" and "OutMaxValue" to be >
// "ShoulderStart".
float luminanceCompress(float InValue, float OutMaxValue,
float ShoulderStart = 0.f,
bool ConsiderMaxValue = false,
float InMaxValue = asfloat(0x7F7FFFFF)) {
const float compressableValue = InValue - ShoulderStart;
const float compressableRange = InMaxValue - ShoulderStart;
const float compressedRange = OutMaxValue - ShoulderStart;
const float possibleOutValue =
ShoulderStart + compressedRange * rangeCompress(compressableValue / compressedRange, ConsiderMaxValue ? (compressableRange / compressedRange) : FLT_MAX);
#if 1
return possibleOutValue;
#else // Enable this branch if "InValue" can be smaller than "ShoulderStart"
return (InValue <= ShoulderStart) ? InValue : possibleOutValue;

// Doing the DICE compression in PQ (either on luminance or each color channel)
// produces a curve that is closer to our "perception" and leaves more detail
// highlights without overly compressing them
// Modern HDR displays clip individual rgb channels beyond their "white" peak
// brightness, like, if the peak brightness is 700 nits, any r g b color beyond
// a value of 700/80 will be clipped (not acknowledged, it won't make a
// difference). Tonemapping by luminance, is generally more perception accurate
// but can then generate rgb colors "out of range". This setting fixes them up,
// though it's optional as it's working based on assumptions on how current
// displays work, which might not be true anymore in the future. Note that this
// can create some steep (rough, quickly changing) gradients on very bright
// colors.
// This might look more like classic SDR tonemappers and is closer to how modern
// TVs and Monitors play back colors (usually they clip each individual channel
// to the peak brightness value, though in their native panel color space, or
// current SDR/HDR mode color space). Overall, this seems to handle bright
// gradients more smoothly, even if it shifts hues more (and generally
// desaturating).

struct DICESettings {
uint Type;
// Determines where the highlights curve (shoulder) starts.
// Values between 0.25 and 0.5 are good with DICE by PQ (any type).
// With linear/rgb DICE this barely makes a difference, zero is a good default
// but (e.g.) 0.5 would also work. This should always be between 0 and 1.
float ShoulderStart;

// only: The sum of these needs to be <= 1, both within 0 and 1. The closer
// the sum is to 1, the more each color channel will be containted within its
// peak range.
float DesaturationAmount;
float DarkeningAmount;

DICESettings DefaultDICESettings() {
DICESettings Settings;
Settings.ShoulderStart =
? (1.f / 3.f)
: 0.f; // TODOFT3: increase value!!! (did I already?)
Settings.DesaturationAmount = 1.0 / 3.0;
Settings.DarkeningAmount = 1.0 / 3.0;
return Settings;

// Tonemapper inspired from DICE. Can work by luminance to maintain hue.
// Takes scRGB colors with a white level (the value of 1 1 1) of 80 nits (sRGB)
// (to not be confused with paper white). Paper white is expected to have
// already been multiplied in.
float3 DICETonemap(float3 Color, float PeakWhite,
const DICESettings Settings /*= DefaultDICESettings()*/) {
const float sourceLuminance = renodx::color::y::from::BT709(Color);

if (Settings.Type != DICE_TYPE_BY_LUMINANCE_RGB) {
static const float HDR10_MaxWhite =
HDR10_MaxWhiteNits / renodx::color::srgb::REFERENCE_WHITE;

// We could first convert the peak white to PQ and then apply the "shoulder
// start" alpha to it (in PQ), but tests showed scaling it in linear
// actually produces a better curve and more consistently follows the peak
// across different values
const float shoulderStartPQ =
Linear_to_PQ((Settings.ShoulderStart * PeakWhite) / HDR10_MaxWhite).x;
const float sourceLuminanceNormalized = sourceLuminance / HDR10_MaxWhite;
const float sourceLuminancePQ =
Linear_to_PQ(sourceLuminanceNormalized, 1).x;

if (sourceLuminancePQ > shoulderStartPQ) // Luminance below the shoulder (or below zero) don't
// need to be adjusted
const float peakWhitePQ = Linear_to_PQ(PeakWhite / HDR10_MaxWhite).x;

const float compressedLuminancePQ =
luminanceCompress(sourceLuminancePQ, peakWhitePQ, shoulderStartPQ);
const float compressedLuminanceNormalized =
Color *= compressedLuminanceNormalized / sourceLuminanceNormalized;

float3 Color_BT2020 = renodx::color::bt2020::from::BT709(Color);
if (any(Color_BT2020 > PeakWhite)) // Optional "optimization" branch
float colorLuminance = renodx::color::y::from::BT2020(Color_BT2020);
float colorLuminanceInExcess = colorLuminance - PeakWhite;
float maxColorInExcess =
max3(Color_BT2020) - PeakWhite; // This is guaranteed to be >=
// "colorLuminanceInExcess"
float brightnessReduction = saturate(renodx::math::SafeDivision(
PeakWhite, max3(Color_BT2020),
1)); // Fall back to one in case of division by zero
float desaturateAlpha = saturate(renodx::math::SafeDivision(
maxColorInExcess, maxColorInExcess - colorLuminanceInExcess,
0)); // Fall back to zero in case of division by zero
Color_BT2020 = lerp(Color_BT2020, colorLuminance,
desaturateAlpha * Settings.DesaturationAmount);
Color_BT2020 =
lerp(Color_BT2020, Color_BT2020 * brightnessReduction,
Settings.DarkeningAmount); // Also reduce the brightness to
// partially maintain the hue,
// at the cost of brightness
Color = renodx::color::bt709::from::BT2020(Color_BT2020);
const float peakWhitePQ = Linear_to_PQ(PeakWhite / HDR10_MaxWhite).x;

// Tonemap in BT.2020 to more closely match the primaries of modern
// displays
const float3 sourceColorNormalized =
renodx::color::bt2020::from::BT709(Color) / HDR10_MaxWhite;
const float3 sourceColorPQ = Linear_to_PQ(sourceColorNormalized, 1);

for (uint i = 0; i < 3;
i++) // TODO LUMA: optimize? will the shader compile already convert
// this to float3? Or should we already make a version with no
// branches that works in float3?
if (sourceColorPQ[i] > shoulderStartPQ) // Colors below the shoulder (or below zero) don't
// need to be adjusted
const float compressedColorPQ =
luminanceCompress(sourceColorPQ[i], peakWhitePQ, shoulderStartPQ);
const float compressedColorNormalized =
Color[i] = renodx::color::bt709::from::BT2020(
Color[i] * (compressedColorNormalized / sourceColorNormalized[i]))
const float shoulderStart =
PeakWhite * Settings.ShoulderStart; // From alpha to linear range
if (sourceLuminance > shoulderStart) // Luminances below the shoulder (or below zero) don't
// need to be adjusted
const float compressedLuminance =
luminanceCompress(sourceLuminance, PeakWhite, shoulderStart);
Color *= compressedLuminance / sourceLuminance;

return Color;
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
#include "./common.hlsl"

// KGenLUT3D_NoTonemap

Texture2D<float4> t0 : register(t0);

SamplerState s0_s : register(s0);

RWTexture3D<float4> u0 : register(u0);

cbuffer cb0 : register(b0) {
float4 cb0[10];

#define cmp -

[numthreads(4, 4, 4)]
void main(uint3 vThreadID: SV_DispatchThreadID) {
float4 r0, r1, r2, r3;
uint4 bitmask, uiDest;
float4 fDest;

r0.rgb = (uint3)vThreadID.rgb;
r1.rgb = cmp(r0.rgb < cb0[0].rrr);
r0.a = r1.g ? r1.r : 0;
r0.a = r1.b ? r0.a : 0;
if (r0.a != 0) {
// (start) ColorGrade
// (start) LogGrade
// Contrast(r0.rgb, ACEScc_MIDGRAY, cb0[3].b)
r0.rgb = r0.rgb * cb0[0].ggg;

float3 preContrast = r0.rgb;

r0.rgb = r0.rgb + float3(-0.413588405, -0.413588405, -0.413588405); // ACEScc_MIDGRAY = 0.4135884
r0.rgb = r0.rgb * cb0[3].bbb + float3(0.413588405, 0.413588405, 0.413588405);

r0.rgb = lerp(preContrast, r0.rgb, injectedData.colorGradeLUTStrength);

r0.rgb = lutShaper(r0.rgb, true);

float3 preCG = r0.rgb;

// (start) LinearGrade
// WhiteBalance(r0.rgb, cb0[1].rgb)
r1.r = dot(float3(0.390405, 0.549941, 0.00892631989), r0.rgb);
r1.g = dot(float3(0.0708416030, 0.963172, 0.00135775004), r0.rgb);
r1.b = dot(float3(0.0231081992, 0.128021, 0.936245), r0.rgb);
r0.rgb = r1.rgb * cb0[1].rgb;
r1.r = dot(float3(2.858470, -1.628790, -0.024891), r0.rgb);
r1.g = dot(float3(-0.210182, 1.158200, 0.000324280991), r0.rgb);
r1.b = dot(float3(-0.041812, -0.118169, 1.068670), r0.rgb);
// ColorFilter
r0.rgb = r1.rgb * cb0[2].rgb;
// ChannelMixer(r0.rgb, cb0[4].rgb, cb0[5].rgb, cb0[6].rgb)
r1.r = dot(r0.rgb, cb0[4].rgb);
r1.g = dot(r0.rgb, cb0[5].rgb);
r1.b = dot(r0.rgb, cb0[6].rgb);
// LiftGammaGainHDR(r1.rgb, cb0[7].rgb, cb0[8].rgb, cb0[9].rgb)
r0.rgb = r1.rgb * cb0[9].rgb + cb0[7].rgb;
r1.rgb = saturate(r1.rgb * renodx::math::FLT_MAX + 0.5) * 2.0 - 1.0;
r0.rgb = pow(abs(r0.rgb), cb0[8].rgb);
r0.rgb = r0.rgb * r1.rgb;
// Do NOT feed negative values to RgbToHsv or they'll wrap around
r0.rgb = max(0, r0.rgb);
// RgbToHsv
r0.a = cmp(r0.g >= r0.b);
r0.a = r0.a ? 1.00000 : 0;
r1.rg =; = float2(-1, 0.666666687);
r2.rg = + -r1.rg; = float2(1, -1);
r1.rgba = r0.aaaa * r2.rgba + r1.rgba;
r0.a = cmp(r0.r >= r1.r);
r0.a = r0.a ? 1.00000 : 0;
r2.rgb = r1.rga;
r2.a = r0.r;
r1.rga = r2.agr;
r1.rgba = -r2.rgba + r1.rgba;
r1.rgba = r0.aaaa * r1.rgba + r2.rgba;
r0.a = min(r1.g, r1.a);
r0.a = -r0.a + r1.r;
r1.g = -r1.g + r1.a;
r1.a = r0.a * 6 + 0.0001;
r1.g = r1.g / r1.a;
r1.g = r1.g + r1.b;
r2.r = abs(r1.g);
r1.g = r1.r + 0.0001;
r2.b = r0.a / r1.g;
// Hue Vs Sat = float2(0.25, 0.25);
r0.a = t0.SampleLevel(s0_s, r2.rg, 0).g;
r0.a = saturate(r0.a);
r0.a = r0.a + r0.a;
// Sat Vs Sat
r1.g = t0.SampleLevel(s0_s,, 0).b;
r1.g = saturate(r1.g);
r0.a = dot(, r0.aa);
// Lum Vs Sat
r3.r = dot(r0.rgb, float3(0.212672904, 0.715152204, 0.072175)); = float2(0.25, 0.25);
r0.r = t0.SampleLevel(s0_s, r3.rg, 0).a;
r0.r = saturate(r0.r);
r0.r = r0.a * r0.r;
// Hue Vs Hue
r3.b = r2.r + cb0[3].r;
r0.g = t0.SampleLevel(s0_s,, 0).r;
r0.g = saturate(r0.g);
r0.g = r3.b + r0.g;
r0.gba = r0.ggg + float3(-0.5, 0.5, -1.5);
r1.g = cmp(r0.g < 0);
r1.b = cmp(1 < r0.g);
r0.g = r1.b ? r0.a : r0.g;
r0.g = r1.g ? r0.b : r0.g;
// HsvToRgb(r0.gba)
r0.gba = r0.ggg + float3(1, 0.666666687, 0.333333343);
r0.gba = frac(r0.gba);
r0.gba = r0.gba * float3(6, 6, 6) + float3(-3, -3, -3);
r0.gba = saturate(abs(r0.gba) + float3(-1, -1, -1));
r0.gba = r0.gba + float3(-1, -1, -1);
r0.gba = r2.bbb * r0.gba + float3(1, 1, 1);

// Saturation(r0.gba, cb0[3].g * r0.r)
r1.gba = r0.gba * r1.rrr;
r0.r = dot(cb0[3].gg, r0.rr);
r1.g = dot(r1.gba, float3(0.212672904, 0.715152204, 0.072175));
r0.gba = r1.rrr * r0.gba + -r1.ggg;
r0.rgb = r0.rrr * r0.gba + r1.ggg;

r0.rgb = lerp(preCG, r0.rgb, injectedData.colorGradeLUTStrength);

r0.rgb = applyUserTonemap(r0.rgb);

r0.a = 1;
u0[] = r0.rgba;

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