List Fields
Pre-Release Notes
- Added the
flag to list the available fields when using the--by-received
endpoint - note that the list of fields not final and is subject to change.
logshare-cli --api-email=$CF_API_EMAIL --api-key=$CF_API_KEY \
--zone-name=$CF_ZONE_NAME --list-fields | jq
"CacheResponseBytes": "Number of bytes returned by the cache",
"CacheResponseStatus": "HTTP status code returned by the cache",
"ClientASN": "Client AS number",
"ClientCountry": "Country of the client IP address",
"ClientDeviceType": "Client device type",
"ClientIP": "IP address of the client",
"ClientIPClass": "Client IP class",
"ClientRequestHost": "Host requested by the client",
"ClientRequestMethod": "HTTP method of client request",
"ClientRequestProtocol": "HTTP protocol of client request",
"ClientRequestReferer": "HTTP request referrer",
"ClientRequestURI": "URI requested by the client",
"ClientRequestUserAgent": "User agent reported by the client",
"ClientSSLCipher": "Client SSL cipher",
"ClientSSLProtocol": "Client SSL protocol",
"ClientSrcPort": "Client source port",
"EdgeColoID": "Cloudflare edge colo id",
"EdgeEndTimestamp": "Unix nanosecond timestamp the edge finished sending response to the client",
"EdgePathingStatus": "Edge pathing status",
"EdgeResponseBytes": "Number of bytes returned by the edge to the client",
"EdgeResponseCompressionRatio": "Edge response compression ratio",
"EdgeResponseStatus": "HTTP status code returned by Cloudflare to the client",
"EdgeStartTimestamp": "Unix nanosecond timestamp the edge received request from the client",
"OriginIP": "IP of the origin server",
"OriginResponseBytes": "Number of bytes returned by the origin server",
"OriginResponseStatus": "Status returned by the origin server",
"RayID": "Ray ID of the request",
"WAFAction": "Action taken by the WAF, if triggered",
"WAFRuleID": "ID of the applied WAF rule",
"ZoneID": "Internal zone ID"
- Available fields can be passed as a comma-separated list to the
flag - e.g.
logshare-cli --api-email=$CF_API_EMAIL --api-key=$CF_API_KEY \
--zone-name=$CF_ZONE_NAME --start-time=`hours-ago 1` \
--end-time=`mins-ago 10` --count=2 \
--fields=RayID,ClientIP --by-received