This is a fork of [selfe-start]( master/example_application/selfe-start) which is itself a fork of sel4-start.
sel-claw aims to provide a rust-centric runtime for seL4 development, it incorportates functionality found in selfe-start (sel4 startup), selfe-sys (bindings to libsel4), and eventually ferros (rust aligned interfaces).
The primary development target is aarch64 on the various raspberry pi platforms.
You'll need the following base packages:
- C and C++ compilers for target architecture
- Linking/Binary tools for target architecture
- QEMU for target architecture
- Rust Build Environment
- CMake
- Device Tree Compiler (dtc)
- Python with pyfdt, jinja2, six, future, ply, libarchive, pyelftools modules
- libxml2 tools (xmllint specifically)
Get the source
git clone
Change to the folder
cd sel-claw
First install sel-claw-build. This is the build tool for rust seL4 projects provided by sel-claw, it must be installed before compiling the example application.
cd sel-claw-build
cargo install --path . --bin sel-claw-build --features bin --force
Then you can build the example application
cd ..
cd example-application
sel-claw-build build --platform virt --sel4_arch aarch64
sel-claw-build will download the seL4 sources and compile the example application. You can then simulate the new application using:
sel-claw-build simulate --platform virt --sel4_arch aarch64
Very scratchy!