This program, according to practical needs, is split into five files based on functionality:
- Main Function: Creating Department Folders on Desktop
- User Input the Bonus Year & Season (e.g., 2020Q4)
- Opening Workbook and Looping through Data
- Creating Folders
- Logic:
- Depending on the values in column A and B, it creates specific folder structures on the Desktop.
- func2_folder is created based on the values in column A.
- func1_folder is created if values in column B are different from those in column A.
- plant_folder is created within func1_folder based on additional conditions.
- Handles cases where func1 is equal to func2 and a plant_folder exists.
- Logic:
- Main Function: Splitting Files on Desktop
- User Input the Bonus Year & Season (e.g., 2020Q4)
- Opening Workbook and Extracting File Name
- Creating Files
- Logic:
- Creates specific folder structures and performs data filtering based on departmental criteria.
- Utilizes a nested loop to iterate through sheets (b) and filter data accordingly.
- Adjusts row height, column width, and zoom for better visualization.
- Logic:
- Saving Files
- Saves the files in the appropriate folders based on the conditions:
- If foldernameFunc2 is not equal to foldernameFunc1 and foldernamePlant is 0, saves in Func1 folder.
- If foldernameFunc2 is not equal to foldernameFunc1 and foldernamePlant is not 0, saves in Func1 subfolder.
- If foldernameFunc2 is equal to foldernameFunc1 and foldernamePlant is not 0, saves in Func2 subfolder.
- If none of the above conditions apply, saves in Func2 folder.
- Saves the files in the appropriate folders based on the conditions:
- Closing Workbooks
- Main Function: Checking if the workbook is open / Adjusting the row height, column width, and zoom level
- Main Function: Reconstructing Formulas which were previously formulated for operational needs.
- Main Function: Setting up the printing layout.