Extracts information from a PECOFF file.
Just execute the PE-Inspector like this:
PE-Inspector.exe output.csv <Path to inspect>
The PECOFF Library has also the ability to get all imports and exports of the PE-file as well as the certificate.
The CSV-Output currently contains the following values for each analyzed file.
- Filename
- Extension
- Path
- Product Version
- File Version
- IsDotNetFile
- IsObfuscated
- Obfuscationpercentage
- HasCertificate
- Comments
- CompanyName
- FileDescription
- InternalName
- IsDebug
- IsPatched
- IsPreRelease
- IsPrivateBuild
- IsSpecialBuild
- Language
- Copyright
- Trademarks
- OriginalFilename
- PrivateBuild
- ProductName
- SpecialBuild