Datahub Explorer is a REACT-driven system that provides viewing capabilities for end users. This release is for DHS environments only. This project is the web service that serves content to explorer-ui.
- MarkLogic Server 10.0-2.1 and later
- Data Hub 5.1.x and later
Explorer is distributed as a group of three Docker containers, one of which contains the UI environment, one of which contains the backed, and the third contains MarkLogic and is only packaged as a convenience and is only intended for demo use.
The customer is expected to use a complete MarkLogic installation, as supported by Data Hub Services rather than the containerized version. That version is not supported for any purpose other than demonstration.
git clone
./gradlew build
if you want to skip running test cases,
./gradlew build -x test
BE provides some configurable properties. for example, mlHost - What MarkLogic server you are connecting, if not specified, mlHost defined in will be used as default.
java -jar ${path-to-jar}/explorer.jar --mlHost=MLServerHost
server.port - the default BE port is 8080, we can change it to 9090.
java -jar ${path-to-jar}/explorer.jar --server.port=9090
In order to understand more about configurable properties, check those files (,,
Build Docker image
docker build -t explorer .
Run Docker container via adding command line args:
docker run -p 8080:8080 explorer --mlHost=host.docker.internal
Run Docker container via setting env. variables:
docker run -e "mlHost=host.docker.internal" -p 8080:8080 explorer
see more details:
Explorer is a closed-source project. You can contribute to its success by reporting errors you encounter and suggesting improvement or additional features to Product Management.
The MarkLogic Data Hub is designed, written, and maintained by [MarkLogic][marklogic] Engineering.
Notes: if you want to run BE and FE together using docker-compose, just follow the instruction: