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A web application to manage a Ship Replacement Program for EVE Online.


  • EVE SSO login.
  • Multiple divisions.
  • Permissions based on groups.
  • Custom providers for groups and alternative characters.
  • SRP requests with comments.
  • Base payout with modifiers.
  • Workflow with multiple status.
  • Lists with open, in progress and approved requests.
  • Search function for all requests.
  • Admin UI to manage divisions and set their permissions.
  • Various options to customize the installation (texts, logo).
  • Optional zKillboard integration.


Run the Application


The application needs a MySQL, MariaDB or PostgreSQL database (tested with MariaDB 10.6 and PostgreSQL 12).

  • Create an EVE application at, no scopes required. Set the callback URL to https://your.domain.tld/auth.
  • Create a database for the application.

Run with Docker

The Docker image is available at You can also build it yourself, see below.

Run with the following command, replace the environment variable values with your values. Example with minimum configuration using the EsiProvider:

docker run \
  --env=EVE_SRP_DB_URL=mysql://user:password@host/database_name \
  --env=EVE_SRP_SSO_CLIENT_ID=123 \
  --env=EVE_SRP_SSO_REDIRECT_URI=https://your.domain.tld/auth \
  --workdir=/var/www \
  --publish= \
  --name=eve_srp_prod \
  --restart=always \
  --detach=true \

Run database migrations:

docker exec -u www-data eve-srp vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:migrate --no-interaction

View logs:

docker exec eve_srp_prod sh -c "tail -f ../storage/logs/*.log"

Manual Installation

To run the application you need a Linux OS (others may work but were not tested), PHP >=8.1.0 with the extension json, gmp and one of pdo_mysql or pdo_pgsql, and a web server with support for PHP and URL rewriting.

  • Download the latest release from or build it yourself (see below) and extract it.
  • Set the document root to the web directory and configure URL rewriting to index.php (see Slim framework - Web Servers for details).
  • Make sure that the storage directory is writable by the webserver.
  • Copy config/.env.dist to config/.env and adjust values or set the corresponding environment variables. At a minimum set:
    • If you keep the default provider add your EVE character ID to EVE_SRP_PROVIDER_ESI_GLOBAL_ADMIN_CHARACTERS.
  • Run database migrations: vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:migrate --no-interaction

Log messages are sent to storage/logs/error-*.log files.

Further Configuration

Various texts, the logo and other settings can be changed via environment variables, they are documented in config/.env.dist or below.

You can add your own JavaScript code to web/static/custom.js, for example for analytics software.


There are 3 different ways how modifiers can be applied to the base payout, which is configured by the environment variable EVE_SRP_MODIFIER_CALCULATION:

  • sequentially (default): They are applied in the order in which they were added.
    E.g. 100m base payout, minus 10%, plus 20m, plus 30% = ((100 * 0.9) + 20) * 1.3 = 143.
  • absolute_first: Absolute modifiers are applied first, then the sum of all relative modifiers.
    E.g. 100m base payout, minus 10%, plus 20m, plus 30% = (100 + 20) * (1 - 0.1 + 0.3)) = 144.
  • relative_first: The sum of all relative modifiers is applied first, then the absolute modifiers.
    E.g. 100m base payout, minus 10%, plus 20m, plus 30% = (100 * (1 - 0.1 + 0.3)) + 20 = 140.

The configuration can be changed without changing existing payouts. However, the new calculation is used when a payout is recalculated by changing the base payout or a modifier.

Initial Setup

After you log in go to Admin -> Groups and synchronize them. Then add divisions and configure permissions for them.

Permissions for each division are based on groups which are provided by a provider, see below.

Besides that there is only one fixed role, the global admin. It is given to members of the groups from the environment variable EVE_SRP_ROLE_GLOBAL_ADMIN. In addition to administrative tasks, global admins can view all SRP requests and change their division.


Providers implement the ProviderInterface interface and provide groups for the logged-in character and optionally additional alternative characters for which the user can submit requests.

Only one provider can be used at once. It is determined by the environment variable EVE_SRP_PROVIDER.

ESI Provider

This is a simple provider that assigns groups based on EVE characters, their corporation and alliance.

There are 5 groups: member, review, pay, admin and global-admin. For each of them there are one or more environment variables EVE_SRP_PROVIDER_ESI_* that accept a list of character, corporation or alliance IDs.

Neucore Provider

This provider needs a Neucore installation. It provides groups and alternative characters from it.

To use it add an app to Neucore and give it the app-chars and app-groups roles and add any group to it that you want to use. Then set the EVE_SRP_PROVIDER_NEUCORE_* environment variables.

Development Environment

Only tested on Linux.

docker compose up

The database connection string is: mysql://root:eve_srp@eve_srp_db/eve_srp. To run the unit tests add a database named eve_srp_test.

The application is available at: http://localhost:8000.

Consoles for PHP and Node.js:

docker compose exec -u www-data eve_srp_php /bin/sh
docker compose exec -u node eve_srp_node /bin/sh

The script can be used to create a release.

Install Backend

Copy config/.env.dist to config/.env, set EVE_SRP_ENV to dev and add your values for EVE_SRP_SSO_CLIENT_ID and EVE_SRP_SSO_CLIENT_SECRET.

composer install
vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:migrate --no-interaction

Useful commands:

bin/doctrine orm:validate-schema
bin/doctrine orm:generate-proxies
vendor/bin/doctrine-migrations migrations:diff

sudo rm -R ./storage/compilation_cache/*

Build Frontend

Install dependencies:

npm ci

Automatically rebuild during development:

npm run watch

Create production build:

npm run build

Build Docker Container

docker build -f config/Dockerfile --no-cache -t eve-srp build

Contact and Support

You can find me (Tian Khamez) on the Neucore Discord. There's also a separate channel for EVE-SRP.

Migration from paxswill/evesrp

MySQL/MariaDB databases: evesrp => eve_srp

Replace values for evesrp.entity.type_ (BraveOauthGroup) and evesrp.entity.authmethod (EVESSONeucore) if needed.

INSERT INTO eve_srp.users (id, name) 
    SELECT, name FROM evesrp.user LEFT JOIN evesrp.entity ON =;
INSERT INTO eve_srp.characters (id, user_id, name, main) SELECT id, user_id, name, 0 FROM evesrp.pilot;
INSERT INTO eve_srp.divisions (id, name) SELECT id, name FROM evesrp.division;
INSERT INTO eve_srp.requests
    (id, user_id, division_id, created, character_id, corporation_name, alliance_name, ship, kill_time, 
     solar_system, details, status, base_payout, payout)
    SELECT id, submitter_id, division_id, timestamp, pilot_id, corporation, alliance, ship_type, kill_timestamp, 
           `system`, details, IF(status = 'evaluating', 'open', status), base_payout, payout
    FROM evesrp.request;
INSERT INTO eve_srp.actions (id, user_id, request_id, created, category, note)
    SELECT id, user_id, request_id, timestamp, type_, note FROM evesrp.action;
INSERT INTO eve_srp.external_groups (id, name)
    SELECT id, name FROM evesrp.entity WHERE type_ = 'BraveOauthGroup' AND authmethod = 'EVESSONeucore';
INSERT INTO eve_srp.permissions (id, division_id, external_group_id, role_name)
    SELECT, division_id, entity_id, permission
    FROM evesrp.permission
    INNER JOIN evesrp.entity ON evesrp.permission.entity_id =
    WHERE type_ = 'BraveOauthGroup' AND authmethod = 'EVESSONeucore'
        AND permission IN ('submit', 'review', 'pay', 'admin');
INSERT INTO eve_srp.user_external_group (user_id, external_group_id)
    SELECT users_groups.user_id, group_id FROM evesrp.users_groups;
INSERT INTO eve_srp.modifiers 
    (id, request_id, user_id, created, mod_type, note, voided_time, voided_user_id, mod_value)
    SELECT, request_id, user_id, timestamp, LOWER(SUBSTRING(_type, 1, 8)), note, voided_timestamp, 
           CASE WHEN absolute_modifier.value IS NOT NULL THEN  CAST(absolute_modifier.value AS SIGNED) 
               WHEN relative_modifier.value IS NOT NULL THEN CAST(relative_modifier.value * 100 AS SIGNED) 
               END AS value
    FROM evesrp.modifier
    LEFT JOIN evesrp.absolute_modifier ON =
    LEFT JOIN evesrp.relative_modifier ON =;

Note: Not everything is copied, e.g. the permission "audit" and user notes.


No description or website provided.








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  • PHP 74.5%
  • Twig 18.8%
  • JavaScript 2.9%
  • SCSS 1.9%
  • Dockerfile 1.0%
  • Shell 0.8%
  • HTML 0.1%