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Add physics simulator files only for SCM
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	new file:   Interstitials/UFS_SCM_NEPTUNE/ccpp_suite_simulator.F90
	new file:   Interstitials/UFS_SCM_NEPTUNE/ccpp_suite_simulator.meta
	new file:   Interstitials/UFS_SCM_NEPTUNE/module_ccpp_suite_simulator.F90
	new file:   Interstitials/UFS_SCM_NEPTUNE/module_ccpp_suite_simulator.meta
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bluefinweiwei committed Mar 20, 2024
1 parent 3e31927 commit 02c5b01
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Showing 4 changed files with 765 additions and 0 deletions.
212 changes: 212 additions & 0 deletions physics/Interstitials/UFS_SCM_NEPTUNE/ccpp_suite_simulator.F90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
! ########################################################################################
! Description: This suite simulates the evolution of the internal physics state
! represented by a CCPP Suite Definition File (SDF).
! To activate this suite it must be a) embedded within the SDF and b) activated through
! the physics namelist.
! The derived-data type "base_physics_process" contains the metadata needed to reconstruct
! the temporal evolution of the state. An array of base_physics_process, physics_process,
! is populated by the host during initialization and passed to the physics. Additionally,
! this type holds any data, or type-bound procedures, required by the suite simulator(s).
! For this initial demonstration we are using 2-dimensional (height, time) forcing data,
! which is on the same native vertical grid as the SCM. The dataset has a temporal
! resolution of 1-hour, created by averaging all local times from a Tropical Warm Pool
! International Cloud Experiment (TWPICE) case. This was to create a dataset with a
! (constant) diurnal cycle.
! ########################################################################################
module ccpp_suite_simulator
use machine, only: kind_phys
use module_ccpp_suite_simulator, only: base_physics_process, sim_LWRAD, sim_SWRAD, &
sim_PBL, sim_GWD, sim_DCNV, sim_SCNV, sim_cldMP
implicit none
public ccpp_suite_simulator_run

! ######################################################################################
! SUBROUTINE ccpp_suite_simulator_run
! ######################################################################################
!! \section arg_table_ccpp_suite_simulator_run
!! \htmlinclude ccpp_suite_simulator_run.html
subroutine ccpp_suite_simulator_run(do_ccpp_suite_sim, kdt, nCol, nLay, dtp, jdat, &
iactive_T, iactive_u, iactive_v, iactive_q, proc_start, proc_end, physics_process,&
in_pre_active, in_post_active, tgrs, ugrs, vgrs, qgrs, active_phys_tend, gt0, gu0,&
gv0, gq0, errmsg, errflg)

! Inputs
logical, intent(in) :: do_ccpp_suite_sim
integer, intent(in) :: kdt, nCol, nLay, jdat(8), iactive_T, iactive_u, &
iactive_v, iactive_q
real(kind_phys), intent(in) :: dtp, tgrs(:,:), ugrs(:,:), vgrs(:,:), qgrs(:,:,:), &
! Outputs
type(base_physics_process),intent(inout) :: physics_process(:)
real(kind_phys), intent(inout) :: gt0(:,:), gu0(:,:), gv0(:,:), gq0(:,:)
character(len=*),intent(out) :: errmsg
integer, intent(out) :: errflg
integer, intent(inout) :: proc_start, proc_end
logical, intent(inout) :: in_pre_active, in_post_active

! Locals
integer :: iCol, year, month, day, hour, min, sec, iprc
real(kind_phys), dimension(nCol,nLay) :: gt1, gu1, gv1, dTdt, dudt, dvdt, gq1, dqdt

! Initialize CCPP error handling variables
errmsg = ''
errflg = 0

if (.not. do_ccpp_suite_sim) return

! Current forecast time (Data-format specific)
year = jdat(1)
month = jdat(2)
day = jdat(3)
hour = jdat(5)
min = jdat(6)
sec = jdat(7)

! Set state at beginning of the physics timestep.
gt1(:,:) = tgrs(:,:)
gu1(:,:) = ugrs(:,:)
gv1(:,:) = vgrs(:,:)
gq1(:,:) = qgrs(:,:,1)
dTdt(:,:) = 0.
dudt(:,:) = 0.
dvdt(:,:) = 0.
dqdt(:,:) = 0.

! Set bookeeping indices
if (in_pre_active) then
proc_start = 1
proc_end = max(1,physics_process(1)%iactive_scheme-1)
if (in_post_active) then
proc_start = physics_process(1)%iactive_scheme
proc_end = size(physics_process)

! Simulate internal physics timestep evolution.
do iprc = proc_start,proc_end
do iCol = 1,nCol

! Reset locals
physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%T(:) = 0.
physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%u(:) = 0.
physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%v(:) = 0.
physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%q(:) = 0.

! Using scheme simulator
! Very simple...
! Interpolate 2D data (time,level) tendency to local time.
! Here the data is already on the SCM vertical coordinate.
! In theory the data can be of any dimensionality and the onus falls on the
! developer to extend the type "base_physics_process" to work with for their
! application.
if (physics_process(iprc)%use_sim) then
if (physics_process(iprc)%name == "LWRAD") then
call sim_LWRAD(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, physics_process(iprc))
if (physics_process(iprc)%name == "SWRAD")then
call sim_SWRAD(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, physics_process(iprc))
if (physics_process(iprc)%name == "GWD")then
call sim_GWD(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, physics_process(iprc))
if (physics_process(iprc)%name == "PBL")then
call sim_PBL(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, physics_process(iprc))
if (physics_process(iprc)%name == "SCNV")then
call sim_SCNV(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, physics_process(iprc))
if (physics_process(iprc)%name == "DCNV")then
call sim_DCNV(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, physics_process(iprc))
if (physics_process(iprc)%name == "cldMP")then
call sim_cldMP(year, month, day, hour, min, sec, physics_process(iprc))

! Using data tendency from "active" scheme(s).
if (iactive_T > 0) physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%T = active_phys_tend(iCol,:,iactive_T)
if (iactive_u > 0) physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%u = active_phys_tend(iCol,:,iactive_u)
if (iactive_v > 0) physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%v = active_phys_tend(iCol,:,iactive_v)
if (iactive_q > 0) physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%q = active_phys_tend(iCol,:,iactive_q)

! Update state now? (time-split scheme)
if (physics_process(iprc)%time_split) then
gt1(iCol,:) = gt1(iCol,:) + (dTdt(iCol,:) + physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%T)*dtp
gu1(iCol,:) = gu1(iCol,:) + (dudt(iCol,:) + physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%u)*dtp
gv1(iCol,:) = gv1(iCol,:) + (dvdt(iCol,:) + physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%v)*dtp
gq1(iCol,:) = gq1(iCol,:) + (dqdt(iCol,:) + physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%q)*dtp
dTdt(iCol,:) = 0.
dudt(iCol,:) = 0.
dvdt(iCol,:) = 0.
dqdt(iCol,:) = 0.
! Accumulate tendencies, update later? (process-split scheme)
dTdt(iCol,:) = dTdt(iCol,:) + physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%T
dudt(iCol,:) = dudt(iCol,:) + physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%u
dvdt(iCol,:) = dvdt(iCol,:) + physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%v
dqdt(iCol,:) = dqdt(iCol,:) + physics_process(iprc)%tend1d%q
enddo ! END: Loop over columns

! Print diagnostics
if (physics_process(iprc)%use_sim) then
if (physics_process(iprc)%time_split) then
write(*,'(a25,i2,a4,i2,a5,a10,a35)') 'CCPP suite simulator: ',iprc,' of ',proc_end,' ',physics_process(iprc)%name,'time split scheme (simulated)'
write(*,'(a25,i2,a4,i2,a5,a10,a35)') 'CCPP suite simulator: ',iprc,' of ',proc_end,' ',physics_process(iprc)%name,'process split scheme (simulated)'
if (physics_process(iprc)%time_split) then
write(*,'(a25,i2,a4,i2,a5,a10,a35)') 'CCPP suite simulator: ',iprc,' of ',proc_end,' ',physics_process(iprc)%name,'time split scheme (active)'
write(*,'(a25,i2,a4,i2,a5,a10,a35)') 'CCPP suite simulator: ',iprc,' of ',proc_end,' ',physics_process(iprc)%name,'process split scheme (active)'
write(*,'(a25,i2)') ' # prog. vars.: ',physics_process(1)%nprg_active
enddo ! END: Loop over physics processes

! Update state with accumulated tendencies (process-split only)
! (Suites where active scheme is last physical process)
iprc = minval([iprc,proc_end])
if (.not. physics_process(iprc)%time_split) then
do iCol = 1,nCol
gt0(iCol,:) = gt1(iCol,:) + dTdt(iCol,:)*dtp
gu0(iCol,:) = gu1(iCol,:) + dudt(iCol,:)*dtp
gv0(iCol,:) = gv1(iCol,:) + dvdt(iCol,:)*dtp
gq0(iCol,:) = gq1(iCol,:) + dqdt(iCol,:)*dtp

! Update bookeeping indices
if (in_pre_active) then
in_pre_active = .false.
in_post_active = .true.

if (size(physics_process) == proc_end) then
in_pre_active = .true.
in_post_active = .false.

end subroutine ccpp_suite_simulator_run

end module ccpp_suite_simulator

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