This is the repo that contains the source files for the Nightscout Docs site.
To suggest changes, fork this repository, edit the files, and submit your changes as a pull request.
The developer discussion of Nightscout happens on our Discord channel at
To preview your work as you edit you must set up two python packages that are used to create this site using MkDocs. They are mkdocs
, and mkdocs-bootswatch
Review Properly Installing Python for help getting Python installed. MkDocs works with Python 2.7, 3.3+, and pypy.
- Install python modules
$ cd <nightscout docs location>
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run mkdocs server locally
$ cd <nightscout docs location>
$ mkdocs serve
- Preview docs in browser. Most changes will update automatically as you edit. Configuration and navigation changes will require restarting the mkdocs server.
- Optionally, you can share the preview with others by uploading them to your repository's
$ mkdocs gh-deploy
- Use images for clarity whenever appropriate
Admonitions are a markdown extension that enable formatted blocks for visually calling out information. The types are: note, info, warning, and danger. Here are some examples of how to write the markdown:
!!! note
This admonition uses the default title: 'Note'.
!!! info "My Custom Title"
This admonition is blue and has a custom title.
!!! warning ""
This admonition is yellow and has no title.