My repository of PowerShell modules. This is not released yet and all officially WIP, especially the comment helps. As the modules finish, I'll upload them to PSGallery (probably).
Otherwise, I use these every day at work, some for years, some for only a few months. I guess that's how I am field testing it all.
Before using these, I recommend installing Windows Terminal, the latest PowerShell Core version, and using this as your default in Windows Terminal. If you use my PSPrompt module, then Windows Terminal and also a nerd font are required (
- The modules are stored as zip files and can be unpacked in any path under $env:PSModulePath.
- After doing so, add
Import-Module <module name>
to your$profile
, e.g.,Import-Module CliUtils
Eventually I will make these modules robust enough for a more public release and upload them to PSGallery.
- Contains various functions to streamline the cli experience. In particular I extensively use Select-NestedObject for parsing structured data (accepts wildcards), as well as the functions Get-ItemSize, Replace-StringInFile, Find-StringRecursively, Lock-Thread, and
to climb file structures.
- Contains functions for dealing with config files. Currently the main function is to handle yaml data, but it has a setup to include toml and some other ideas in the future. These will all be wrapped behind a single function set: [Import|ConvertFrom|ConvertTo|Export]-StructuredData. I'll probably rename this module to StructuredDataUtils at that point.
- I use this module to quickly obtain GKE credentials, track projects via mounted logical drive (gcp:), and to keep track of which project I am in by editing my prompt line to display it.
- A wrapper for different kubectl functionalities. Some of my most used are to ping the metric api via Get-KubeMetrics, and then use kmax to find the most strained pod in the cluster, Set-KubeContext (kc) to transfer between clusters quickly, or Copy-KubeFile which is a wrapper of kubectl -cp but has autocomplete on filepaths inside the container, which I find very convenient. Another example is kex, which is a wrapper for kubectl -exec. I'll add help eventually.
- This is like an inferior Oh-My-Posh, BUT:
- Its scriptblocks are in PowerShell. No need to learn GoLang or doc up on its dozen syntaxes.
- You can update it modularly. My kubectlutils and gcloudutils modules update the prompt function if this module is imported.
I do need to rewrite the help for its latest configuration settings.
- Similar to CliUtils but contains functions that you aren't likely to use on the cli but rather in scripts and more complex coding. I have my own Join-Object via Linq there, just made it for practice.
- My initial attempt to provide a wrapper to simplify runspace creation, i.e., multithreading in PowerShell. I had a bad experience recently with Start-ThreadJob in PS 7.3, where the threads weren't being properly used beyond 2 threads, so I am now skeptical it's complete and based this module off what I did with runspaces in that script. Barring bare minimum testing on my command line, I haven't tested it in action yet though 💀
- This is a pretty niche module, but I intend to adapt it in the future for multithreaded handling of CSV files. Currently it parses a CSV and wraps string values in quotes if they are missing. It does depend on the first row being filled to identify data types.