BitBuddies are handmade, opensource price tickers - perfect for any office or trading setup. Powered by the LiveCoinWatch API, these functional artpieces pull live Bitcoin prices directly from all the top exchanges. Each BitBuddy features a two-sided Bitcoin logo illuminated by 24 color-changing LEDs. Download the free mobile app to set the LED colors, brightness, and more.
Choose from 15 brightness settings or run with auto brightness from the built-in light sensor. Logo LED and display brightnesses can be set indepently or balance-adjusted with auto brightness.
BitBuddies run on an ESP8266 and ATtiny85, and require a 2.4GHz WiFi connection. Devices can be reprogrammed using any Arduino-compatible software directly with the included USB power cable.
BitBuddies LLC
[email protected]
502 W 7th St
Erie, PA 16502
United States
+1 570-225-9301