This is the PHP API client for Testi@.
composer require bitexpert/testiat-api-client-php
use \bitExpert\Testiat\Api;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$factory = new \Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory();
$client = new \Buzz\Client\Curl($factory);
$api = new Api($psr7Client, $psr17Factory, 'someapikey');
You can also use vlucas/phpdotenv or symfony/dotenv.
$factory = new \Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory();
$client = new \Buzz\Client\Curl($factory);
$api = new Api($client, $factory, 'someapikey');
$availableClients = $api->getAvailableClients();
$availableClients = $availableClients->getBody();
$projectStatus = $api->getProjectStatus('GlZfbnMcnRphPcRSyQwFVXbcn3');
$projectStatus = $projectStatus->getBody();
$emailTest = $api->startEmailTest(
'<p>Sample HTML code</p>',
[1483107480, 1479404638]
$emailTest = $emailTest->getBody();
All methods return a Promise and are either resolved to the API response or rejected with an Error object when one of the required arguments was not set or of the correct type.
List the email clients that you can use.
Gets the status of the given project ID.
Starts a new email test using the given subject, html string and array of email client IDs.