Hi there 👋🌞
- 💞️ Open Source
- 🏢 I am working for fairkom (https://www.fairkom.eu/)
- 📐 I studied Digital Innovation (https://www.fhv.at/)
- 👀 I’m interested in coding and programming
I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Digital Innovation. Before pursuing my degree, I attended a technical secondary school with a focus on business informatics. Throughout my academic journey, I've been actively involved in projects at bits (Better IT Solutions GmbH). My primary focus was on developing digital business solutions using C# and .NET MAUI.
At fairkom, I work as a software developer on various projects. These included SchulchatRLP for the "Pädagogisches Landesinstitut Rheinland-Pfalz", implementing a video-on-demand platforms using PeerTube for the community media "FS1", and contributed to the "Termino" project for the "Bundesministerium für Finanzen". Additionally, I am managing the deployment of several services in K8s, such as Keycloak, PeerTube, Rocket.Chat, Fluffychat, Element, and Matomo, among others.
- 📫 U can reach me:
- mail: [email protected]
- matrix: [email protected]
- mastodon: @[email protected],
- linkedIn: LinkedIn