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Using Diamond : Stand alone

Jacob Jensen edited this page May 24, 2016 · 5 revisions

To use Diamond as stand-alone you must have dub installed.

If it's the first time you use Diamond, then it's recommended to follow the guide below.

If you're already familiar with Diamond then an empty project corresponding the below can be found here:

Just download the project as zip.

Create a new folder for your project. Ex. diamondproject

Create the following folders and files within it. (Don't worry about content right now.)

  • \diamondproject
    • \config
      • view-build.json
    • \src
      • main.d
    • \models
      • package.d
    • \views
      • test.dd
    • dub.json

Below is all the content for the files. Just copy-paste it into the files. Explanations of them are right below.


	"name": "diamondproject",
	"description": "A diamond stand-alone project",
	"authors": ["Jacob Jensen"],
	"homepage": "",
	"license": "",
	"dependencies": {
		"diamond": "~>0.2.32"
	"sourcePaths": ["src", "models"],
	"stringImportPaths": ["views", "config"],
	"targetType": "executable"

name is the name of the project.

description is the description of the project.

authors is the authors of the project.

homepage is the homepage of the project.

license is the license of the project.

dependencies is the dependencies of the project. Diamond as stand-alone has no dependencies.

sourcePaths are all paths that dub will look for code. By defualt Diamond only uses core, models and controllers.

stringImportPaths are all paths dub will look for string imports. By default Diamond only uses config.

targetType are the type of the output. For a Diamond project, it'll typically be executable.


  "views": {
    "test": "test.dd"

views are all the views associated with the project.


module models;

public {

Just like a Diamond webserver, models must be declared within the models package. Otherwise Diamond can't tie views and their models together.


@*The test view*
<p> Hello World!</p>

Notice for views

The first block you encounter is the metadata block. The metadata block is used to declare metadata configurations for the view. It's entirely optional to have a metadata block and usually not declared for partial views. Unless they need static place holders. All members of the metadata block are optional. Each member must be separated by a line of "---"

layout is the name of the view to use as a layout page.

model is the name of the model to use for the view.

placeHolders is an associative array of place-holders. It supports the full associative array syntax in D as it translates it directly as such.

Please view the website guide for an example on metadata implementation.


module main;

import diamondapp;

void main() {
  import std.stdio;

  auto view = getView("test");



To compile the project simply use the following dub command

dub build