- This is a matching game consist of sixteen cards, each card has a hidden symbol.
- As a player you can click on any card to turn it over and see the symbol.
- you should click a second card also to turn it over.
- you have here two cases: 1- if the two symbols are matches then you have a correct choice and the two cards will keep opened with green background color. 2- if the two symbols are different then it will see a red background for a small period, you can use your mind to remember the symbols.
- to win the game you have to match all the cards pairs, so you have to make 8 correct pairs.
- you have a timer for the game .
- you have a star level which go down every 17 clicks.
- you can any time select at upper right of the game restart symbol to start from the beginning.
- after you win, the timer will stop count time, you will have a modal appears to congratulate you.
- the modal will display the time used to win the game and your stars level.
- the modal will give you option to play again.
have fun time