This repository contains the following:
- ZooEscapeMap.pdf - A layout of resultant visuals, and explanation / short report
- Original_Data - Folder containing the original data I used, accessed Fall 2019
- Maine_Law_Enforcement_E911 - Point shapefile from MEGIS of Maine police stations
- medotpubrds - Line shapefile from MEGIS of Maine public roads
- Resultant_Data - Folder containing final resultant data
- roadsOSMFD_nd - Full network dataset of the study area roads, created with the OSM toolbox
- ZooEscapeRoutes - Line shapefile of roads you could reach from the zoo before the police could catch you
- - The file you're reading
The OSM dataset was not included because it's so big and there's really no reason to share the one I got. Esri geodatabase excluded for the same reason.