Arbor Library v0.5.1
Since v0.5 there have been some major features, and many small fixes and improvements.
Core API features:
- [C++/Python] Labels instead of indices for placeable item identification.
- [C++/Python] Morphology file format support: Arbor Cable-Cell Format.
- [C++/Python] Morphology file format support: Neurolucida ASCII format.
- [C++/Python] Morphology file format improvements: SWC.
- [C++/Python] Simplified connections and junctions.
- [C++/Python] Enable simulation resume/restart.
- [C++/Python] Add post events functionality to support models with STDP synapses
- [C++/Python] Allow dynamically creating and loading of mechanism catalogue
- Documentation URL changed to
- New Python examples and tutorials
- Ever more complete documentation
- Added Code of Conduct
Build / CI:
- Spack distribution
- CI generated binary Python wheels
- Apple M1 compatibility
- CI moved from Travis to Github Actions
- Improved Python and C++ unit testing
- Sanitizer CI
Contributions by, in no specific order, @haampie, @clinssen, @espenhgn, @Helveg, @brenthuisman, @noraabiakar,
@thorstenhater, @halfflat, @schmitts and @bcumming