I started this from the source code of queue but it took a radical departure from that in the end. Mainly I needed to have access to the items in my queue by a key and to be able to cancel the jobs. So this rewrite allowed me to do that.
There are also no 3rd-party dependencies here outside of the devDependencies.
npm run prepare
Update the version in package.json and the run. You will be asked for a one-time password that you need to use the Authy app on your phone to get.
npm publish
npm run example
See example/index.ts
import {
} from "@animalus/queue";
class FakeJob implements Runnable<number> {
timer: any;
public id: number,
private duration: number,
private error: boolean = false
) {}
run(): Promise<number> {
return new Promise<number>((resolve, reject) => {
if (this.error) {
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
reject("Something bad has happened.");
}, 100);
} else {
this.timer = setTimeout(() => {
resolve(this.id * this.id);
}, this.duration);
}).finally(() => {
const queue = new Queue((obj: FakeJob) => obj.id, {
timeout: 3000,
concurrency: process.argv.length > 2 ? parseInt(process.argv[2]) : 2,
(status: QueueWorkerStatus, obj: FakeJob, result: number, err: any) => {
switch (status) {
case QueueWorkerStatus.QUEUED:
console.log(`job [${obj.id}] was queued.`);
case QueueWorkerStatus.CANCELED:
console.log(`job [${obj.id}] was canceled.`);
case QueueWorkerStatus.FINISHED:
if (err) {
console.log(`job [${obj.id}] failed with error [${err}].`);
} else {
`job [${obj.id}] completed with result [${result}].`
case QueueWorkerStatus.IN_PROGRESS:
console.log(`job [${obj.id}] started.`);
case QueueWorkerStatus.TIMEDOUT:
console.log(`job [${obj.id}] timed out.`);
queue.push(new FakeJob(1, 1000));
queue.push(new FakeJob(2, 4000));
queue.push(new FakeJob(3, 1500, true));
queue.push(new FakeJob(4, 5000));
queue.push(new FakeJob(5, 2500));
queue.push(new FakeJob(6, 4000));
// Test canceling while running.
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1500);
// Test canceling while simply queued.
npm i @animalus/queue
Note: You may need to install the events
dependency if
your environment does not have it by default (eg. browser, react-native).
type QueueOptions = {
concurrency?: number;
timeout?: number;
autostart?: boolean;
const queue = new Queue(keyGetter: (value: T) => K, options?: QueueOptions);
- keyGetter is a function that tells the queue how to extract the key from the object in the queue, most likely a unique string or number.
- concurrency: defaults to 1, meaning run the jobs serially.
- timeout: defaults to 0, meaning don't timeout any job
- autostart: defalts to true, meaning as soon as the first item is pushed on to the queue it is immediately started.
starts the queue jobs running (needed if autostart = false)
Stops the queue. can be resumed with start()
pushes a job on to the queue. Can alternately override the queue's timeout with a different timeout for this one task. The object type T must implement the Runnable interface. i.e. Class T has method run() that returns result of type R.
export type QueueWorkerOptions = {
timeout?: number | undefined;
export interface Runnable<T> {
run(): PromiseLike<T>;
A push method that will return the internal promise of the QueueWoorker that resolves with the results if the task completes, and is rejected if it errors or if it was canceled from the queue.
Method to see if a particular key is in the queue
Method to cancel a job in the queue. This triggers a reject on the promise with an Error with message 'Canceled'. In addition, if your run() method returns a Bluebird promise it will call the cancel method on that promise.
You can listen for when the status of each item in the queue is altered. Every object goes through the cycle of the following events...
export enum QueueWorkerStatus {
Upon push()
status is immediately called. Once a particular job is started it goes into IN_PROGRESS
status, followed by FINISHED
when completed (with either a result or an error). Other statuses that get updated in the "event"
listener are upon CANCELED
Returns the currently running and queued jobs.
export type QueueActivity<T> = {
pending: T[];
queued: T[];
Copyright © 2022 Animal.us[email protected]
This work is free. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the MIT License. See LICENSE for full details.