EBIGU [ibĂgu] aka Extraordinary Basically Ingenious Gamemaking Utility is a simple "programming language" which I wrote in python for exactly 3 days xD It is mainly made for creating 2D games (using pygame as a base). Oh yes, and it is in Bulgarian :D (not in cyrillic though)
You can either just clone the source code or download a compiled version from the latest release
Just open your .ebigu file with the EBIGU.py or EBIGU.exe
py EBIGU.py hello_world.ebigu
EBIGU.exe hello_world.ebigu
If you specify a thirt parameter (a python file) the source code will be translated and written in that file. (rather than executed)
py EBIGU.py hello_world.ebigu my_cool_file.py
I am 100% open for any ideas and contibutions :D
izpishi('Zdravei Svqt')
If ya wan't a more thorough hello world check out the hello_world folder in the repo. It is a simple af game which I wrote in the process of testing the language, perfect to get ya started. Btw, the assets are just some stuff I downloaded from the Internet so be careful with copyright and stuff if you intend to use them.
The official documentation of EBIGU :D
Assigning a variable:
kon = 'Mustang'
listche = [1, 2, 3]
If else statement:
ako kon e 'Mustang' ili 3 ne v listche: # if kon == 'Mustang' or 3 not in listche
ne pravi nishto # pass
ako li puk kon ne e 'Pesho' i kon ne e 'Gosho': # elif kon != 'Pesho' and kon != 'Gosho'
izpishi('Kude li sa Pesho i Gosho') # print
inache: # else
ne_znam = vqrno # vqrno -> False, nevqrno -> True
# BTW the tabs are important... Just sayin'
# And they have to tabs tabs, not spaces
za l v obseg(30): # for l in range(30)
broqch = 0
dokato vqrno: # while True
ako broqch e 31:
preskochi # continue
ako li puk broqch e 100:
schupi # break
broqch += 1
kato izvikam kvo_staa(na_kef_sum): # def kvo_staa(na_kef_sum):
globalni nqkva_globalna_promenliva # global nqkva_globalna_promenliva
ako na_kef_sum e vqrno:
izpishi('Na kef sum')
vurni # return
# Az sum komentar
sluchaino(0, 9) # random.randint(0, 9)
Here you can find all the gamemaking EBIGU actions
Initialize new game and set the window size (compulsory):
prozorcheto da mi bude (width, height)
Set window icon:
ikonkata da mi bude ./path/to/icon.png
Set window caption (title):
igrata mi se kazva 'Nai qkata igra na zemqta'
Set desired fps:
# Default is 30 (you don't really need to set this)
nadqvam se igrata mi da vurvi s 60 fps
Set background (colors can be either in hex or rgb values):
fonut da mi bude ./path/to/background.jpg
fonut da mu bude #ffffff
! Every one of these has to be in the "osnoven cikul" aka the main game loop
Check if mouse has been clicked:
ako mishkata e cuknata:
Check if the mouse is currently in motion:
ako mishkata murda:
Check if the button specified has been clicked:
ako nqkuv_qk_buton e kliknat:
Check if a certain key is pressed: (you can find the full list of key names here)
ako K_UP e natisnat:
Collision detection between two sprites (aka heroes):
ako sprite1 se blusne s sprite2:
Collision detection between a sprite and a group of sprites:
ako sprite se blusne s neshto ot group:
Check if a sprite (aka hero) is outside the window boundaries:
ako sprite izleze ot poleto:
Check if an event is happening:
ako subitie NQKAKVO_SUBITIE:
Create a new hero object (sprite):
igrach = nov geroi s golemina (width, height) i sprite ./path/to/player.png
krugche= nov geroi s golemina (width, height) i sprite krugche i cvqt #d8f83f
# default color is #ffffff so it is not a compulsory parameter
pravougulniche = nov geroi s golemina (width, height) i sprite pravougulniche
Create a new font object (needed for buttons and texts):
fontche = nov font ./path/to/fontche.ttf s golemina 40
Create a new text object:
krai_text = nov text 'Krai na igrata' s font fontche i cvqt #ffffff
Create a new button object:
igrai_buton = nov buton 'Igrai' s cvqt #ffffff i fonov cvqt #000000 i cvqt #0f0f0f pod kursora i font fontche i golemina (width, height)
Create a new event:
# Always has to be in uppercase
NOVO_SUBITIE = novo subitie
Load a new sound:
lazer_zvuk = nov zvuk ./path/to/lazer.wav
Play sound:
izpei lazer_zvuk
Set sound volume:
izpeivai lazer_zvuk s 0.5 zvuk
Play music (looped):
pei ./path/to/muzichka.mp3
Set the music volume:
pei s 1.3 zvuk
Pause the music:
pauzirai peeneto
Unpause the music:
otpauzirai peeneto
Stop the music:
q zemi se sopri s tva tvoe peene
Draw a sprite:
plesni igrach na (x, y)
Remove a sprite:
mahni igrach
Move a sprite to a certain location:
mrudni igrach na (x, y)
Move a sprite by some pixels:
mrudni igrach s (x, y)
Change size of a sprite:
napravi igrach (width, height)
Rotate sprite:
zavurti igrach s 90 gradusa
Get current mouse position (works only in "osnoven cikul"):
poz_mishka = poziciq na mishkata
Get the position of a sprite:
poz_igrach = poziciq na igrach
Get the size of a sprite:
golemina_igrach = golemina na igrach
Add an animation to a sprite (the sprite has to be first "plesnat" (drawn)):
# The folder has to consist of the animation's images only
# and they should be numbered in the right order
igrach_animaciq = nova animaciq na igrach ot ./path/to/folder
Play animation:
animirai igrach_animaciq na igrach
Play animation on a whole group:
animirai vrag_animaciq na grupa vragove
- used to store multiple sprites in the same place for ease
Create a new sprite group:
vragove = nova grupa
Add to group (and draw):
dobavi vrag v vragove i go plesni na (x, y)
Remove from group:
mahni vrag ot vragove
Empty a group:
izprazni grupa vragove
Post an event after a given amount of milleseconds:
sled 1000 ms NOVO_SUBITIE
Post an event every n amount of milleseconds:
prez 2000 ms RODI_VRAG
Start counting the elapsed time (the izminalo_vreme var):
# All the clock actions work only in the "osnoven cikul" aka the main game loop
# Also by default the clock is not counting
pusni chasovnika
Pause the counting of elapsed time:
pauzirai chasovnika
Reset the counting of elapsed time:
nulirai chasovnika
Show the cursor:
pokazhi kursora
Hide the cursor:
skrii kursora
osnoven cikul:
Can only be used in the main game loop
krai na igrata
! Compulsory
# This is the final line of my beautiful game!
dobra igra
Screen width and height:
SHIRINA_EKRAN # -> gives you the width of the screen
VISOCHINA_EKRAN # -> gives you the height of the screen
Center of the screen:
CENTER # -> [centerx, centery]
The set fps:
FPS # -> a number (what you have set or the default 30)
Time elapsed since you started the clock:
# Can only be accessed from the "osnoven cikul"
izteklo_vreme # -> gives you the number of seconds elapsed since the clock was started
Time elapsed between each loop in the "osnoven cikul" aka the main game loop:
# Can only be accessed from the "osnoven cikul"
dt # -> gives you the number of seconds elapsed between each loop
Feel free to add more features and happy codin'!