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Topic: Query-biased Multi-Document Abstractive Summarisation

Authors: Amrit Singhal and Akshat Jindal


This is the implementation of all parts of the pipeline that we have proposed in our report for the project, which can be found in the repo.


  1. PyLucene
  2. NLTK
  3. Tensorflow

Creating Data Required

  1. Download the CNN news dataset from here.Only the stories are required. Keep it in some directory which will act as your < data_directory >.
  2. For generating query strings, run the following commands :
	python QueryLDA/

In the code for, set the the directory variable on line 73 as your <data_directory>. This creates a Queries.txt file in the QueryLDA directory.

	python QueryLDA/

This creates LDA_500.pickle in the QueryLDA directory. We have provided the file already for direct use. This file has 50 queries, each representing a different topic.


  1. Build the index for the corpus.
	./buildIndex <data_directory>
  1. Run the extractive summarisation process:
	./QueryMultiDocSummarisation <Query_string> <paragraph_extraction_type> 


Parameter_Type Extraction_Process
1 TextTiling
2 Vector Space Method
3 TfIdf Method
4 Luhn Clusters
5 Query Biased LSA
  1. This will create a file RelevantDoc.txt in the main directory of the repo. This is the SuperDoc mentioned in the report.

  2. Following this, we need to perform abstractive summarisation on this SuperDoc. The model we chose was the pointer-generator networks, the implementation for which can be found here.


The Samples directory has a sample input query, the SuperDoc for it and the final Abstractive summary for it.

Future Works

We aim to improve upon the abstractive part also, by adding a query bias to it.


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