✨ I previously worked as an astrophysicist for 6 years at MPE, Garching, Germany, completing a PhD and postdoc on ML applications within time domain X-ray astronomy. I also analysed the multi-wavelength time-series data from stellar tidal disruption events, which occur when stars pass too close to supermassive black holes and are torn apart by tidal forces!
🌱 Two resolutions for 2024: i) explore coding in Rust, ii) run my first marathon.
Some projects that I've lead with publicly available code:
XCLASS: automated astronomical X-ray source classification, adapted from work completed in my PhD thesis.
eROSITA data validation: processing scripts for validation of the eROSITA source catalogues.
RadioGalFit: Radio Galaxy Detection and Characterization in the Visibility Domain using Bayesian Inference. Code developed during Masters thesis, and paper later published in MNRAS.