class Block
Block: +int id
Block: +LABEL obj_type
Block: +float x_min
Block: +float x_max
Block: +float y_min
Block: +float x_max
Block: +float confidence
Block: +List~Text~ Texts
Block: +List~int~ Next_Blocks
Block: +List~int~ Previous_Blocks
Block: +Dict~int,str~ Next_Blocks_Conditionals
Block: +sort_text() none
Block: +to_string() str
class Text
Text: +int id
Text: +float x_min
Text: +float x_max
Text: +float y_min
Text: +float x_max
Text: +float confidence
Text: +str text
Text: +to_string() str
class Pseudocode
Pseudocode: +List~str~ lines
Pseudocode: +Dict~any, any~ variables
Pseudocode: +List~any~ functions
Pseudocode: +to_pseudocode() str
Pseudocode: +to_antlr4_pseudocode() str
Pseudocode: +to_string() str
graph LR
S1 --> S2
S2 --> S3
S3 --> J
S1[User Input]
S2[Block Recognition]
S3[Code Parsing]
J[Save font code file]
graph LR
subgraph SUB3[Code Parsing]
direction LR
G --> H
H --> I
subgraph SUB2[Block Recognition]
direction LR
D --> E
E --> F
subgraph SUB1[User Input]
direction LR
A --> B
B --> C
A[Choose image]
B[Choose detection system]
C[Choose output language]
D[Detect figures]
F[Sort blocks]
G[Blocks to pseudocode]
H[ANTRL4 parsing]
I[ANTLR4 concrete tree to language]
- Input images: .\User Files\Input Images
- Output files: .\User Files\Output Files
- Print:
- Write any variable without anything
- Scan:
- Write the variable where to save the data
- Process:
- Write any math operation (+, -, *, /, /=, *=, +=, -=) between numbers and/or variables
- Decision:
- It's mandatory draw almost 2 options
- Inside must be the clause
- Examples:
- If statement
- Box clause:
- A <= 1
- B == 1
- A != 2
- ...
- Options
- option 1: True
- option 2: False
- Box clause:
- Switch statement:
- Box clause: (You must set the variable)
- Options
- option 1: 5
- option 2: 1
- option 3: 10
- option default: DEFAULT
- Box clause: (You must set the variable)
- If statement
- Maintain a good separation between arrows in arrow chains
- Letters in only one line
- Conditionals must stay in the nearest arrow to Decision block
- Conditionals statements must finalize on the same block
- Not nest conditionals
- Strings not supported
- Improve double pointer detection in arrow chains to avoid double detection in the same arrow
- FlowchartObjectDetection._sort_arrows()
- Improve OCR detection
- String usage
- Functions support
- While loop support
- Do-While loop support
- For loop support
- Switch-case support
def main():
VAR1: int = None
VAR2: int = None
VAR1 = 2
VAR2 = input()
VAR1 *= VAR2
if VAR1 <= 10:
VAR1 = 15 * VAR2
VAR1 -= VAR2
VAR1 = VAR1 + 5
VAR2 = 10 / 5
VAR1 = VAR1 + VAR2
import java.util.Scanner;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int VAR1 = null;
int VAR2 = null;
VAR1 = 2;
VAR2 = scan.nextInt();
VAR1 *= VAR2;
if (VAR1 <= 10) {
VAR1 = 15 * VAR2;
} else {
VAR1 -= VAR2;
VAR1 = VAR1 + 5;
VAR2 = 10 / 5;
VAR1 = VAR1 + VAR2;
def main():
VAR: int = None
VAR = input()
if VAR == 1:
VAR -= 1
elif VAR == 4:
VAR += 7
VAR /= 2
VAR *= 10
import java.util.Scanner;
public static void main(String[] args) {
Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
int VAR = null;
VAR = scan.nextInt();
switch (VAR) {
case 1:
VAR -= 1;
case 4:
VAR += 7;
VAR /= 2;
VAR *= 10;
- Author: ISC UPIIZ students
- Title: Flowchart 3b
- Version: 3.0
- Date: May 2020.
- Editors: Onder F. Campos and David Betancourt.
- Publisher Location: Zacatecas, Mexico.
- Electronic Retrieval Location:
- Electronic Retrieval Location: